Listened to this story on NPR Morning Edition this, er, morning. It was all fascinating and moving, but what struck me was the fact that some whites reported that they were feeling "invisible."

That just sounded absurd to me. I'm not doubting that people reported feeling that way, but why?

My only guess is that when we begin to bring attention to race and racism, and the injustice and inhumanity that has been perpetrated on African-Americans, their sense is that less attention is being given to them; and that they already feel as though they don't receive enough attention. These are the lonely and disaffected white people who can't recognize their own privilege because it doesn't extend to those areas of their lives where they feel most left out, or left behind.

Part of this is our media culture, where we monetize attention, often through story-telling. They see others' stories, and not their own. Their perspective is shaped by their own suffering, which they may not see in the media they consume.

Originally posted at Nice Marmot 10:41 Monday, 15 January 2024