: Recovery Day Didn't sleep well last night, sore too. I'm taking a day off. Sue me. Florida is pretty much a …

: Suckage Speaking of "Apple sucks," iCloud Private Relay is really a pain in the ass. For better or worse, I …

: Trekkin' Yeah, not TOS. (IYKYK) So I did the poles this morning. I wish you could export the data from the …

: Leadership Germany under Hitler has been much on my mind for the past several years. It was never exactly clear …

: Morning God bless Joe Biden. Hit the pavement at 0520 this morning. Yesterday and today, I've kind of …

: Florida And we're back... Mitzi enjoyed the Auto Train, and it's likely we'll do it again on at least the …

: Train We're all checked in. Boarding isn't until 3:30, but figured I'd kill some time here in the marmot. …

: Headed South Our vacation is nearly over. This afternoon we'll board the Auto Train for the ride down to Florida, …

: Service Before Self We were in the car, in Pennsylvania, when Mitzi's sister-in-law texted us, "Biden is out." We turned …

: Seneca Army Depot The antiquing was limited to one enormous location that was a bit overwhelming. There are few …

: Seneca Falls Spent some time in Seneca Falls yesterday. Lovely little village. The National Women's Hall Of Fame …

: Just Passing the Time Still have some time before we have to head out. Figured I'd noodle around here a bit. Houston is …

: Sunset 7-17-24 Decent sunset last night. Supposed to be sunny all day today. We toured the Smith Opera House in …

: Things I Didn't Know Mitzi and I switch using our iPhones on CarPlay in the RAV4. For much of this trip, Siri has been …

: Weather Those thunderstorms on Monday did a number on power lines south of here. Trees and limbs took down …

: Bee Did a little sight-seeing and grocery shopping yesterday morning. Came back to the cottage and put …

: Lakeside Left Trumansburg yesterday for our last week in the Finger Lakes. We're near Geneva, NY at the north …

: Not Shocked The capacity for violence is an inherently human trait, and therefore not unique to any particular …

: Blueberry Picking Picked a couple of pounds of blueberries yesterday. It was a pleasant experience. There was only one …

: Platycryptus Undatus Mitzi spotted this on the wall this morning. I took the opportunity to play with the TG-6. I haven't …

: Cascadilla Gorge It was a short hike, but it was lovely. Since the gorge is right in the middle of town, it gets a …

: Out and About Went to Corning, New York yesterday, about fifty minutes from here. We visited the Corning Glass …

: All the News That Suits the NY Times I was a longtime subscriber of The NY Times in the digital era. I was not a paper (dead-tree) …

: Equal Protection Under the Law Heather Cox Richardson writes about the 14th Amendment and the claims Republicans are making about …

: Buttermilk Falls We hiked Buttermilk Falls this morning. Got there before 9:00 am, which meant we encountered fewer …

: Thank God for France A glimmer of hope. Here's hoping we can come together and do the same. Merci, mes amis. Merci. ✍️ …

: Marmot We have a woodchuck for a neighbor. He showed up yesterday afternoon. I watched him (her?) with …

: Japanese Beetles Japanese beetles are an invasive species that I often see when we're here in New York. They are …

: Out and About The other morning, Mitzi and I went and wandered through the Henry A. Smith Woods. The kids and the …

: Things You'll Never See In Florida We took a walk on the campus of Cornell University yesterday, and this photo caught my eye. In …

: Further to the Foregoing I wrote the title to the previous piece after watching Heather Cox Richardson, who, as I wrote …

: Do What You Do Best I don't watch live cable news, but I've been browsing many of the YouTube channels. I watched …

: Red Admiral And I'm not talking about an officer in the PRC navy. Anyway, took that the day before yesterday. We …

: Independence Day I can think of no better day to decide. I just donated $1000 to Joe Biden. Can I afford it? Can I …

: Voice of Reason The stakes are incalculably high. ✍️ Reply by email Originally posted at Nice Marmot 09:09 …

: Superiority I had never heard of James Henry Hammond until I read Erik Larson's The Demon of Unrest. Then he …

: Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor Heather Cox Richardson: But just as in the 1850s, we are now, once again, facing a rebellion against …

: It's Not Just Me Skip the MSNBC part if you wish and go to the two veteran officers, now lawyers, as they discuss the …

: Ordnance Downrange I wasn't planning on giving money to political campaigns this year. But I've been slowly leaning …

: Some Encouragement I don't read many pieces in the news that seem to begin with criticizing Biden and demanding he drop …

: Rage The emotion I'm struggling with the most is the title of this post. Mitzi and I were talking this …

: It's All Uphill From Here I recalled that Treman was challenging, but we hadn't done the whole thing in years. I told Mitzi …

: Grotesque Obscenity We hiked the gorge trail and the rim trail at Robert Treman state park today. It is described as …

: Mental Health Break We've seen a bit of wildlife here at the VRBO. Two fawns wandered into the yard yesterday evening. …

: Heather Cox Richardson She's not talking me off the ledge this morning. Ironic that we've lost the Republic during the same …

: Further to the Foregoing "Everyone involved in that crime could be prosecuted." Could be prosecuted. Who does the Justice …

: The Falls With regard to the "Seal Team Six scenario"... “If the secretary of defense does it, and whether …

: Not Enough Wine I don't recognize my country anymore. It has let me down before, but I believed in the institutions. …

: Trumansburg We arrived at our VRBO rental yesterday afternoon. We took a little detour out of our way to …

: Not In Kansas Anymore Too much media. Everyone knows more than anyone else. Pay little attention to it. Focus on …

: This Train I brought along the little Olympus Stylus 1s to Port Ewen. This is shot from my sister-in-law's …

: Faith "Faith" is kind of a loaded word. I find it's too often conflated with "religion." While faith is a …

: Progress Every place we've slept since we left has had a loud AC system. They've either woken me throughout …

: Message <img src=“https://nice-marmot.net/Archives/2024/Images/P6250079.JPG" alt=“Photo …

: Breathe Things looked pretty grim in December, 1941. They looked pretty grim in July, 1861. They looked …

: Correction At dinner last night, I asked my brother about the chicken house. He said I was confusing that with …

: Country Roads Last night was our third night in a hotel and we have three more to go. I'm ready for it to be over …

: Homestead This is where I "grew up," or, at least the years between 6th and 12th grade. My parents built this …

: Chittenango Falls 2024 Had a nice morning hike to the base of the falls. It's not a long hike, but it's pretty steep. Had …

: I Heart NY Made it to New York safely yesterday. Pretty for much of the drive, it was cloudy over northern …

: Silent Sunday ✍️ Reply by email Originally posted at Nice Marmot 13:14 Sunday, 23 June 2024

: FDR Memorial Spent time yesterday as tourists before it got super-hot today. Mitzi's daughter took some time off …

: It Ain't The Humidity <img src=“https://nice-marmot.net/Archives/2024/Images/Image 1.JPG” …

: Take In All Lines We'll be underway in just over an hour. I'll shut down the iMac and be posting from the 14" MBP for …

: Departure Preps We're headed up to New York beginning tomorrow, with a weekend stop in DC. I should have been making …

: Moon 6-16-24 I hope all the dads and granddads out there had a pleasant day yesterday. My son and his wife and …

: Further to the Foregoing Those "recurrence intervals" for extreme rainfall events? The data set that established those …

: Communication Breakdown Since I don't engage in "social media" anymore, apart from blogging, I'm not terribly up to date on …

: Maybe Some Good News? This is a video of the blog post I mentioned last week. Stick around to about the 12:40 mark for …

: Hell And High Water I hope you can read this article in the Miami Herald. Might be behind a paywall. It's a good look at …

: Ron DeSantis, Please Take Note This is alarming, but then everything is alarming these days so... Toward the end, he notes that we …

: Good Morning Sunrise looked promising but I wanted to get my bike ride in before I put the drone up. The best …

: Florida It's a good thing that the generation-long (mis)governing Republican legislature and Ron DeSantis …

: Material World I've just bought the Kindle version of the book. This is a lengthy conversation, but it's …

: Movies: Wicked Little Letters Rented this last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Very funny story layered over tragedy and …

: No Hurry On Sequoia I installed the beta yesterday on my 13" M1 MacBook Pro. Rather unremarkable, for the most part. …

: I Feel Seen One of the things I enjoy about personal blogs are the stories of people wrestling with various …

: This Morning's Pond Had dinner last night with my daughters, my son-in-law, one of my granddaughters and Mitzi. The …

: Dawn Patrol I've been walking at 0500 every morning for the past week, and biking right after that. I get 5K in …

: Tom Hanks Great interview with Tom Hanks by Christian Amanpour. ✍️ Reply by email Originally posted at Nice …

: Shoveling Taxpayer Money Into the Sea Florida is a joke, and it's on Floridians. They keep electing "leaders" who view reality through an …

: Closer Than You Think Although it can be a bit of a downer, Tom Murphy's Do The Math blog is thoughtful and interesting. …

: Rising Tides I don't know if we're all just boiled frogs or what, but I feel like we all ought to be running …

: Transition Another piece worth reading about the likely future. ✍️ Reply by email Originally posted at Nice …

: Shade Heather Cox Richardson seems to have some thoughts for Susan Collins. I'm sure this made the rounds …

: Zeitgeist It's in the air. Or at least it's on the web. This morning I read Are We Doomed? in The New Yorker. …

: And it "ain't what it used to be." This came up in my feed from Beardy Guy, and it's a good read, …

: Touch Trucks For Mitzi's grandson's birthday, we went to a local DC event that was taking place at the former RFK …

: In DC Arrived in DC yesterday, very early after a 0300 reveille. The weather here is beautiful! We spent …

: Finished I finally finished The Demon of Unrest last night. I loved it, but I do think it lacked a little of …

: Travel Plans We're headed up to DC on Friday and I've been overthinking what I want to bring, camera-wise. I'm …

: Pentax MX-1 Brief moment of panic yesterday when I (re-)learned that you can't charge the Pentax MX-1 in camera. …

: Message Ray Spicer is a classmate of mine from the Naval Academy. I think he was also an ocean engineering …

: Evolvulus alsinoides <img src=“https://nice-marmot.net/Archives/2024/Images/P5262350.JPG" alt=“My …

: Honor the Fallen I heard this report on NPR Morning Edition this morning. It brought to mind my own experience. …

: Another CyberTruck Cyting I went to the grocery store yesterday on my way home from a medical appointment I bailed on. (They …

: The Riot Report Speaking of willful ignorance, I watched this American Experience program the other night. We lived …

: Unreality Just read this piece in The New Yorker about "forever chemicals." Add that to what the oil companies …

: This Morning's Moon 5-25-24 ✍️ Reply by email Originally posted at Nice Marmot 07:34 Saturday, 25 May 2024

: Closing the Ring I've been walking in the late afternoon to ensure that I close my move ring. (Current goal: 840 …

: A Place For My Stuff I don't travel often anymore. Certainly not as much as during my working life. Back then, I'd …

: The Usual Discontents You can't get a CSV file of your Apple Card transactions from within Apple Wallet. You must go to …

: Responsive Universe Church and religion are human artifacts, and fraught with the frailties and failings of human …

: Lookin' Out My Backdoor We were making turkey burgers last night when I noticed something perched on this relatively newly …

: Last Night's Moon Shot this just before bed last night. The night before last wasn't cloudy, but it was definitely …

: The Demon of Unrest I'm reading Erik Larson's latest, The Demon of Unrest. I owe it to a classmate to hurry up and …

: EDC Nerdery I think I was twelve when I read Jules Verne's The Mysterious Island. There was this little gas …

: Tonight's Moon 5-16-24 Good seeing tonight. E-M1X, handheld high-res shot, 100-400mm zoom w/MC14 teleconverter. 1120mm …

: What Is The Meaning of This? The reality of our present circumstances is seldom far from my awareness. It colors much of what I …

: Tedium I follow a number of "tech" blogs because I occasionally learn something that might be useful, or …

: Data Point Haven't spoken with the marmot for a few days. I'd closed it on the iMac and opened it on the MBP on …

: Cybertruck In The Wild Forgot to mention this. On my way to the movies yesterday, before I'd left Nocatee, I spotted a …

: The Beat Goes On It was a truism in the navy that while watchstanding when something demands your undivided …

: Movies: Chief of Station Horrible movie. The trailer was better than the movie. On a more hopeful note, heading out shortly …

: YouTube Tutorials I enjoy watching YouTube tutorials and I learn a lot from many of them. I also enjoy seeing new …

: Ignorance If you're not feeling "hopeless and broken," you're not paying attention. One of the common threads …

: Further to the Foregoing I've got to get out and go for my walk, but I started down a Confederacy rabbit hole and it's very …

: Hate Is Embedded... ...in the former states of the Confederacy. (This will do nothing for my sentiment analysis.) Are …

: Sign of the Times Ordinarily, I'd say that it's pretty shocking that a research neuroscientist doesn't understand the …

: "Missed the mark." I thinkApple got this part right. ✍️ Reply by email Originally posted at Nice Marmot 22:26 …

: Quartiles Update I'm up to a score of 125. 25 out of 28 possible words. I suppose I'll find out what the missing …

: One Life Watched One Life tonight. Very moving. A remarkable story. ✍️ Reply by email Originally posted at …

: Quartiles Played the new puzzle game in Apple News, Quartiles. Got all of them for a perfect score. (Link only …

: Toys Jack's playing with software, I bought an elgato Neo Stream Deck. I think it's a kind of "retail …

: Good News For Once Kids and retention ponds. Especially in Florida. So many of these stories end tragically. This one …

: Tone Deaf I watched the May 7 event on my iMac. First, I was amazed they used a Sonny and Cher number. (Though …

: Florida Rick Scott famously barred Florida state employees from using the words "climate change." Ron …

: Damning Indictment It's difficult to argue with anything put forward in this recent 18-minute TED talk by Scott …

: I Am An Energy Nerd We're a thing now. Woot has another low price on the Nebo 100W portable solar panel, $120. (Limit 2 …

: Further to the Foregoing So, the highest Sentiment value post was Sometimes I Love People. Unfortunately, it's probably an …

: Table Feature In Tinderbox This post in the Tinderbox Forum prompted me to look more closely at the new Table View feature. …

: Cleaned Put the drone up this morning to look at the array again. I had it up while they were cleaning …

: My First Exhibition Well, I guess I'm an artiste now. My first exhibition at the Anastasia Club. Heh. At the last …

: Inspecting the Array Did a series of "before" pics this morning. Supposed to have a crew out here this afternoon to clean …

: Big Day I looking forward to today's announcement from Apple when the iPad finally gets a calculator. My …

: Backblaze I've been a Backblaze subscriber for a little over a decade, beginning on April 13, 2014. In all …

: And We're Back Got home a little after 2000 last night. Learned something new about Maps. Mitzi didn't like any of …

: History We made something of a "civil rights tour" yesterday. We visited The Legacy Museum first. It was a …

: Unsurprised The title is a bit of a misnomer, because I initially was surprised. As we were checking in …

: The Future I'm not sure what I think about this, very cogent, assessment from Charlie Stross. On the one hand, …

: On The Road We're in Montgomery, Alabama this morning. Shot is from yesterday on Florida I-10. Basically, drive …

: Sometimes RSS Is Depressing I have a "news" folder that aggregates various news sources that have RSS feeds. I mentioned not …

: Good to Go We'll know for sure on 1 January 2025. Assuming I'm still around, which is a reasonable assumption …

: There's Always Another Bug And I don't mean biting flies. I'm a little reluctant to relate this, because I worry that it feeds …

: May Morning Moon I walked first thing this morning, because the biting flies are back and they're more dormant before …

: This Important Message (Thanks, Jason.) ✍️ Reply by email Originally posted at Nice Marmot 11:03 Tuesday, 30 April 2024

: OBTW Rather than append something to the preceding post, I figured I'd just do another one. Plus, I'm …

: This Morning's Moon Slept ok last night. Felt productive yesterday morning and attempted some maintenance on the water …

: They Tell You What They're Going to Do One of the astonishing things about the rise of fascist dictatorships is that they tell you what …

: Good Morning While much of yesterday felt like wading through molasses, we did manage to make it to the garden to …

: Chief Engineer to the bridge It's interesting how the modern home begins to resemble something as complex as a ship. In our case, …

: People Plan, God Laughs ...an old Jewish saying. Mitzi was supposed to arrive about 1900 yesterday, but she didn't get in …

: I Didn't Think It Was Supposed to Rain We've been having some kind of issue with our water softener since November. I suspected the water …

: Reflections of Privilege I didn't walk yesterday. I did bike to the garden and look in on the plants. We have some tomatoes …

: Supreme* Court An antonym of "supreme" is "subordinate," according to the American thesaurus in MacOS. The …

: Fear of Flying I'm not, but, yeah. It's relevant. I was pleased to read this piece and the comments in Protons for …

: EBL vs Amazon Basics For whatever reason, I'm skipping my walk this morning. I'll probably bike to the garden later. …

: April Moon Haven't done one of these this month. Thinking about riding my bike to the garden and then walking …

: Dune: Part Two Started watching it last night. Finished it tonight. I'll watch it all in one sitting after Mitzi …

: Last Shot The mZuiko 14-42/f3.5-5.6 EZ lens died shortly after this shot. Pretty sure it's a ribbon cable …

: The Final Frontier 634GB available this morning. Whatever "available" means anymore on MacOS. But still... Cool. ✍️ …

: Uh-Oh I watched this Nathan Macintosh special yesterday... On my iPhone! Although some of it felt a little …

: Further to the Foregoing This is what it's like living in Florida today. John Candy is the GOP without all the charm and …

: Not Me Yesterday was Earth Day, which I mostly ignored. On Sunday, I got a phone call from the candidate …

: Space I made the external Photos library the System library, re-enabled iCloud for that library and then …

: "They call him, 'Doctor.'" From the old joke about, "What do they call the guy who graduated last in his class in med school?" …

: Looking Up "Productive" may have been optimistic. I've just been sucked into a time-sump figuring out whether …

: Slept Well Woke up at 0430, but that's not bad. Better than just after midnight, then lying awake all night. …

: Configuration Control While I was up in New York, I had my MBP with me and Captain's Log was running. I discovered I …

: Sky Wake Despite being pretty tired from the early morning, I didn't sleep well last night. Got up around …

: A Little Ray of Sunshine My representative, Republican John Rutherford, voted for military aid to Ukraine. This is noteworthy …

: Back In Florida Another early morning, though not as early. 0400 instead of 0300. It's also cool that the Albany …

: On a Happier Note Check out these swallows. ✍️ Reply by email Originally posted at Nice Marmot 09:07 Saturday, 20 …

: The Incredible Shrinking Woman I'm glad I came up to see Mom, but it's also a bit sad. Every time I see her, she seems to have …

: Blogging And Its Discontents Jack posted a rather visceral take on a blog post title, which had the presumably desired effect of …

: On the Road I'm in a New York State of mind. It's 43°, cloudy and windy. It's enough to make you miss Florida. …

: Waiting On My Ride Well, let's see if this works. Got up a little before 0300, out of the house a 0315. No traffic at …

: This One's In Color Brought along the E-P7 this morning, with the Lumix 20mm/f1.7 on it. Did the bench and the arches …

: Just Killing Time The sun's shining in the front door, so I'm going to wait a little while before I try to watch TV. …

: Just a Reminder Don't plan to move to Florida. For the moment, much of the risk of living here is subsidized by the …

: Do They Breed? Well, I can actually see much of the top of the workbench. Less than half, but much more than …

: Learn Something New Every Day I've had this Makita LED work light for many years. It comes in super-handy when you're working …

: Check Sat Doc said, "I wish all my patients were like you." At this rate, I'm going to live long enough to die …

: Crush the Shadows Light was off in the library at the clubhouse. Wouldn't have been as nice a shot. Plus, I'd meant to …

: Success This morning, no AppleScript error complaining it couldn't find $Text. Everything "just worked." …

: Things Retired Guys Do Mostly, "Whatever we want." Subject to funds available, of course. I've been spending some time in …

: Miss This Guy Read a story like this and I get kinda gooey. Eight years gone now. My how the years have flown. ✍️ …

: Lonely Bench, A Clich&#xe9; I didn't shoot anything this morning until I got to this bench. I've shot this before, not long …

: Movies: An Update Just because Jack reminded me about movies... We watched Batman Returns the other night, after …

: Social Media Sucks I don't care if it's Mastodon or one of the BigCos. It's like, "People are great, drivers are …

: Allegedly Edible Yesterday was a beautiful day. After screwing around with solar panels and taking a nap, I rode my …

: A Study In Arches Let's be precious. I got up early, which is to say, "late," so I figured I'd just go ahead and walk …

: That Was Interesting... I'm back in from playing with the Nebo solar panels. My first effort was just to ensure the "used" …

: Habitat for Automobiles Mitzi headed off to San Diego this morning, and I went out for my walk. This is a nothing shot, but …

: Feeling Good I guess it was the vaccine that had me feeling a bit cattywampus. Started feeling better yesterday …

: I'm Still Waiting to Hear From the Nobel Committee Irony is the fifth fundamental force of the universe, Jack. ✍️ Reply by email Originally posted at …

: Wrong Picture Welp, I don't know how that happened. I suspect I wasn't paying attention to which photo was …

: Thought This Might Be Something I think the Pfizer shot hit me a bit harder than usual. I don't recall ever having any kind of …

: Electrifying Nintendo shut down the Wii U online service, so no more Call of Duty Ghosts online play for moi. …

: Further to the Foreshadowing As mentioned earlier this morning, news like this brings to mind songs like this. The wind began to …

: Early Morning Walk Got up early this morning because at some point it's more uncomfortable to lay in bed than to get up …

: In Other Reading I saw this piece in The New Yorker, and bought the book. Started reading it last night, and it's …

: The Apocalypse Has Not Been Postponed I know it's fashionable to dismiss the threat of catastrophic climate change, or overshoot in the …

: A Good Read On that happy note, allow me to direct your attention to James Reeves' A Staggering Kind of …

: AA Batteries The history of batteries is fascinating, and I'm reading Charged: A History of Batteries and Lessons …

: Totality From Tupper Lake (Photo by Mark Rogers) My brother sent me this shot last night after I'd already gone to bed. He went up to Tupper Lake in …

: Plainly Ecliptic I've accomplished exactly one thing so far this morning, in the 90 minutes I've been up. I did …

: Batteries Not Included Garret mentions that the power company in Boulder, Colorado is prophylactically ("You're screwed," …

: Further to the Foregoing I finished the previous post and set out on my morning walk. As I started, I wondered if Mark …

: Quick Test With PopClip Inspired a bit by MacOS X Guru's use of TaskPaper and its command palette, I thought I'd add an …

: This Morning's Walk I'd planned to take it easy this morning after yesterday's effort, but I noticed it was 48°F this …

: Correction "You've got mail!" Read a nice note this morning from the pseudonymous MacOSX Guru who pointed out …

: Mid-Walk It was cool enough this morning that I could wear my sweatshirt and my vest. I like the vest because …

: Better Is the Enemy of Good Enough It's been quiet over in Jack Baty land. It turns out that I didn't have the frequency for Jack …

: This Just In: Google remains evil. It's just that amid all the other despicable things going on by tech companies …

: Sometimes, I Love People Like this time. ✍️ Reply by email Originally posted at Nice Marmot 17:52 Wednesday, 3 April 2024

: This Morning's Walk This morning I wanted to try and focus on walking at a brisk pace. I often feel as though I'm …

: Chop Wood, Carry Water, Do the Laundry Mitzi posted our old dryer for sale on Facebook (Marketplace?), explaining why we were selling it. …

: Existential I wonder if I should have a glossary in the marmot that explains what I mean when I use certain …

: The Invisible Shield Watched the first episode of the PBS limited series, The Invisible Shield. It was both fascinating …

: Get Low I asked ChatGPT what the heck these things are called: Those yellow, bumpy pads at crosswalks are …

: Tilting at Windmills Mitzi does the lawn care around here. It was part of the deal moving here. I bought a condo because …

: Tilting at Windmills Mitzi does the lawn care around here. It was part of the deal moving here. I bought a condo because …

: Good News, Bad News Florida was in the news again yesterday. Given the ongoing circus/horror show in this state, I'm …

: Good News, Bad News Florida was in the news again yesterday. Given the ongoing circus/horror show in this state, I'm …

: Captain's Log: No Fool The marmot created April 2024 correctly, and everything was set up for this morning, except the …

: Swallow Tail Kite The only problem with having a nice camera that can take a lot of pictures is that you wind up …

: Easter Moon Pretty easy to spot this egg. Happy Easter to those who celebrate. ✍️ Reply by email Originally …

: Male Reset Garret wonders about the appeal of military-style "bootcamps" as a form of male self-improvement. …

: Midwatch In Verse Back when I was conceiving of what I might want to include in my midwatch entry, I stumbled upon …

: Right Sized Mitzi saw this pic and had an idea. She wants to see if we can have a laundry sink installed in the …

: Bluebird of Happiness This guy was one of the first things I saw on my walk yesterday after having the dryer delivered and …

: This Morning's Moon 3-30-24 Because I had to. ✍️ Reply by email Originally posted at Nice Marmot 06:11 Saturday, 30 March 2024

: Check Sat The ventless dryer works as advertised. In fact, I was impressed that I couldn't really tell …

: Flock Together At the end of my walk I spotted this "murmuration" (which I guess is most appropriately used with …

: Good Friday Moon Stuck my head out the door this morning, and it was there so I took the shot. A shower, some laundry …

: Cautiously Optimistic Well ok! So far, so good. It's been over 30 minutes now and there haven't been any new additions to …

: TGIF? Time flies when you're debugging. Or something. Anywho... Ventless (heat pump) dryer arrives today. …

: Wherein I Opine On Matters I Have Little Knowledge Of I'm guessing we haven't priced in the risk of 100K-ton cargo vessels or tankers knocking down …

: Captain's Log: Victory Declared I replaced the batteries in the kitchen radio this morning. I use Eneloop Pros (the black ones) in …

: Doing Something I've been pretty disengaged on local issues, apart from the occasional letter to the editor. Running …

: Sorted I think. Went back to the Automator application, which sole function was to populate the $Text …

: That Was a Waste Still running. Can't figure out why. Thought it might be because I had some other action calling it …

: Insomnia Coding It's 0300. I had to get up to use the head and when I went back to bed I realized it was easy to …

: Further to the Forefunction Got a nice note from Mark Anderson about the preceding post. Some insights on functions that I need …

: Captain's Log: Function Junction During the Tinderbox meetup when I demo'ed Captain's Log to that point, Michael Becker asked why I …

: All Clear On the Epidermis Apart from the usual crap your skin starts sprouting when you live past your "best by" date. She did …

: The Other Thing In lieu of a this and that post. I've got to run to the dermatologist in about 45 minutes. It's that …

: Never Quote Your Booleans They're unreliable that way. Mark Anderson of aTbRef wrote to say that I should omit the quotation …

: Captain's Log Update Got around to creating the Agents to collect entries that have not been reviewed, or that I should …

: Unbelievable I guess I should have read the news before checking email. Video of the event. ✍️ Reply by email …

: AI Eats the World I don't know what app developers are going to do in a few years. Maybe even Apple is doomed because …

: This Sucks Affinity has been acquired by Canva. That means they will eventually become a subscription model. …

: This and That The black E-PL7 arrived today, and it's beautiful. Cleaned up well. A couple of minor scratches on …

: Found It Okay, I wasn't hallucinating. It was on the SSD. I guess I didn't think it was good enough to get …

: 3 Body Problem Mitzi and I stayed in Vilano Beach last October for our anniversary, and I would have sworn I took …

: Another Point of View Although I appreciate John P. Weiss' take on farm life, I think this paragraph deserves a comment: …

: Good Reading In a "further to the foregoing" vein, I starred two posts in NetNewsWire to commend to your …

: Blog is Best It's not that you can't do thoughtful, meaningful posts in short-form social media. You probably …

: Up and at 'em Slept pretty well last night. Some dreams related to watching 3 Body Problem, but not nightmares. …

: Partial Rainbow Not expecting much, I carried the silver E-PL7 with the 45mm/f1.8 mounted just for something …

: Spice of Life The E-PL7 is inbound and should be here on Monday. Caitie was here the other day, and we were …

: Florida We're "whistling past the graveyard" here in the Sunshine State. We're one or two major hurricanes …

: Early Matin&#xe9;e Heading out this morning to see the Ghostbusters movie with my son and grandson. Productivity here …

: Monopoly? I'm not much of an Apple (the corporation) fan these days, but if Apple is such a monopoly, why is …

: Point Reyes I shot this on July 5, 2017 with my E-PL7, which I liked to travel with back then. This is a …

: Revise and Extend After posting the preceding, we went out to the garden and I planted the sugar snap peas that had …

: Further to the Foregoing This went up yesterday at the M43 forum at DPReview. I hadn't read it before posting the preceding …

: Present Obsession This is an Olympus PEN E-PL7. I have a silver one,it looks like this. The camera was released in …

: An Aside I'll turn the lights back on at Notes From the Underground ("It's darker here.") this weekend. But …

: Returning to "Normal" Mitzi leaves on Saturday, with her sister to return to New York. She's up and moving without …

: The Incredible Shrinking HD "Free space" continues to shrink. I think it'll get better tomorrow when some big snapshots scroll …

: Early Morning Moon Woke at 0400, figured I might as well get up. Probably last clear morning for several days. This …

: Loren Needs a Hand Picking the best shot. I went with the second, but they're all great. ✍️ Reply by email Originally …

: The Vanishing HD Space It continues. Every time I run Daisy Disk, I have 5GB less storage. I'm down to 28.6GB. I started …

: A Place for My Stuff Read this last night in NetNewsWire, and had a bit of a scare. I've been following Howard Oakley's …

: Insomnia Moon Got up to get a glass of water, saw the moonlight through the kitchen window. Had the water and went …

: Some Days Just Get Away From You Got in my walk. Donated blood. Provided air support to Caitie on her flight back to LA. Scheduled …

: Thomas Stafford We have one fewer surviving Apollo astronauts. Stafford passed away yesterday at 93. ✍️ Reply by …

: American Association of Alliteration Aficionados ...Breaking... Leslie Livesay appointed to serve under Laurie Leshin as first woman Deputy Director …

: Retro Computing Enthusiast Was watching some YouTube reports on the Orange One's problems paying his fines and saw something …

: Caitie Call My daughter is on her way over and I'm looking forward to some "hanging out" time. She'll probably …

: Log Rolling Didn't do much on Captain's Log yesterday. I'm going to try to learn about functions in Tinderbox. …

: Variations On a Theme Sometimes a train of thought will remain with me, even after I've supposedly "scratched that itch." …

: Change [Originally published in Groundhog Day on September 5, 2005. There was a link to a WSJ opinion piece …

: Philosophy of Command It is in the way of mystery, how this world works. In my experience anyway. Parts of it. We just had …

: Command Line Today's task in Captain's Log was to get the "run command" action working. Mark Anderson, author of …

: Silhouette After this morning's "work," I went for my walk. It looked cloudy and I wasn't sure the light would …

: Do the Work This is the post I was headed for last night before I got distracted by "the work." (That's sarcasm, …

: Retired I mentioned the other morning that I watched Hallelujah again, and that something Leonard Cohen had …

: Midwatch Entry I decided that having the Midwatch entry query the ARANet4 every night wasn't as useful as an actual …

: Fish for Breakfast Again? I have quite a few of this kind of shot now, and it still amazes me that they can choke these …

: Daily Review I think I've determined that I need to review the log first thing every morning, before I check the …

: Go For Ventless Got approval from CINC HOME to proceed with the ventless dryer procurement. Apparently, she's even …

: A Bit of Gardening Watched the Starship liftoff and then headed over to the Garden Club. Dave the Plant Man was there …

: Appliance In the vein of "doing one's best," I re-opened negotiations on getting a ventless dryer yesterday. …

: ATBP: Like Tinnitus After posting about wanting to own physical media, I read this piece at Resilience about the debate …

: Movies: 4K UHD HDR We watched the 4K UHD HDR Blu Ray edition of James Camerons' The Abyss the other night. I hadn't …

: Light and Variables Here's an excellent explanation of how to get variables from Automator actions into your AppleScript …

: DST I think I've updated all my cameras to the correct time. I'm somewhat surprised that they were all …

: Change: Added "Reply by email" to RSS items I noticed that the "reply by email" link doesn't appear in the micro.blog edition of the marmot. …

: Rocket Science and History I subscribe to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) email list, and …

: What's Up, Doc? Yesterday, after I'd shot the kite in flight and checked the image, I was excited to notice the …

: Automating Progress The early part of this morning was spent creating a means of adding an entry to Captain's Log from …

: We're All Preppers Now In the unfolding catastrophe, we're going to want to try to turn to one another for help. That's why …

: Breakfast Take-out Brought the same combo this morning and I'm glad I did. Guessing there are two nesting pairs in the …

: Difference a Year Makes AKMA noted that I've been paying attention to his blog, and I look forward to his new excursions …

: "You Can't Command the Consequences" I watched Hallelujah again last night. Rather, I finished watching it. We'd started it last week, …

: Overhead 3-12-24 The orange blur at the top of the frame is my big giant head, because I always forget how wide the …

: Like, "Nobody could have foreseen this..." Don't move to Florida. And if you can leave, get out. While there's still time and people dumb …

: Tripping Around the Blogosphere Jack is posting from the future! ("We're livin' in the future and none of this has happened yet.") I …

: Florida Kind of a nothing shot (with the OM-5), except for the story it tells. I'm sure the guy must go to …

: Breakfast of Chapions Part Deux Before I had my breakfast, this wood stork had its. Brought the OM-1 with the 75-300 this morning. …

: Breakfast of Champions Kind of a "cheese sandwich" post, almost literally, for any who recall what those were. I'm a …

: Local News "All politics is local." Which is why local news is so important. We're still relatively fortunate …

: Bit of a Dr. Drang vibe, and consistently interesting if often over my head. New to me, now maybe to …

: BBC News BBC News has an excellent RSS feed. Some duplication, but not much. Stories fairly consistently …

: Geekin' Out The log project has prompted some renewed interest in computer stuff. There was a time when I found …

: Overhead Did a late walk yesterday, in the afternoon. There were several birds overhead, including a vulture …

: Night Sky YesterdayI learned about this site, and now I have several bookmarks in my Climate bookmarks folder. …

: Time Travel Too many ideas, too little time. Or knowledge. Wasted a lot of time this morning looking for …

: Underthinking So the "Midwatch" entry didn't work. Rather, it worked as intended within Tinderbox, I just didn't …

: Cedar Waxwings I went out this morning with the E-M1X and the 40-150mm/f2.8 Pro with the MC14 1.4x teleconverter …

: Gives Me GAS OMDS recently released a 150-600mm/f5-6.3 IS zoom lens. It's only $2600! Normally, the weight and …

: Research I'm kinda diggin' this 14" MacBook Pro and so I want to be able to move back and forth between the …

: Overthinking I'd added the idea of creating a Midwatch entry to each new day's entry in the log. Worked on it …

: Still diggin' One ofDave Winer's favorite mottos. Since this blog's mascot is a large ground squirrel, and I spend …

: Rabbit Holes One of the things that came up in the Tinderbox Forum discussion on using AppleScript with Tinderbox …

: Swallow-tail Kite Whelp, I guess I should learn to just go with my first instinct. I thought about bringing the …

: Don't Think I'm Kidding Thought about appending another paragraph to the previous post, but decided against it. Read the …

: Don't Move to Florida It's not like you're not welcome here. It's just that it's probably not a good idea going forward. …

: Society Garlic The low angle light makes for some interesting shots. This is "society garlic," and it is kind of …

: Bunny Wabbit Absolutely gorgeous morning today. Air was cool and crisp and sweet. I got started earlier than I …

: Captain's Log Progress has been rapid on my little "personal log" (plog?) project, Captain's Log. I can log email …

: Further to the Foregoing I wondered how much text I could paste into that little one-line dialog box you get from …

: Coincidence Coincidences are either just happy accidents, or maybe a clue that you're on the right path. Toward …

: The Insomnia Drafts I received a reply to the feedback I offered on the event I attended on Saturday. In the email I …

: Tension Overcast today. Uninspiring. Brought along the Oly TG-6 and shot a bunch of frames with the "Grainy …

: Little Victories Yesterday's event was troubling in a way. I support the work of the NFLT, but I didn't appreciate …

: Schedule Conflict One of the things I look forward to each weekend is the Tinderbox Meetup. I've gotten to know a …

: Another Vote for the E-M10 If it's good enough for Taylor Swift... This came up in the DP Review Micro Four Thirds forum. …

: Another Bug In The System I do things in the test platform, get them working, then forget to build them into the marmot. …

: Its Own Album Figured I'd give the 45mm/f1.8 its own album. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 10:20 Saturday, 2 …

: Its Own Album Figured I'd give the 45mm/f1.8 its own album. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 10:20 Saturday, 2 …

: Jewel The weather's been crap, so I haven't taken any pics, and I didn't want to write about Automator, …

: Jewel The weather's been crap, so I haven't taken any pics, and I didn't want to write about Automator, …

: Learning As We Go Still grinding away on figuring out how to use Automator. Figured I'd drop by here and wave at …

: Sparks Joy The Fuji X100VI is the new hotness, but I just read this review of an older (new) camera that kind …

: Conscious Complicity Almost anyone in the developed world, existing in this century, is in some way complicit in the …

: Update to the Preceding Post I made the Auto Train article in the WaPo a gift link, and re-posted it. Need to remember to do …

: Taking the Auto Train We're going to spend a few weeks in upstate New York again this summer. We skipped last year as …

: Rent's Paid Just paid the rent on three more years of hosting the marmot and Notes From the Underground. I plan …

: River City Mitzi and I went to another talk in the Florida Forum series on Monday. Same series that we saw Woz …

: Join or Die I remembered later that I often star RSS items in NetNewsWire so that I can blog about them later. I …

: Life's Little Struggles My plan was to go through Gary Rosenzweig's Automator YouTube playlist and just create each of the …

: Radioactive Once upon a time, I used to like titling posts with puns. In truth, I still do. This thought came to …

: Egrets in Flight Did a search on Flickr, because it just occurred to me that I could. I guess it's not that unusual? …

: Concur I agree with the ideas expressed in this post by Manu Moreale, an Italian blogger. I don't offer the …

: Wood Stork Another shot from yesterday morning. Wood storks are just amazing to me. They're huge in the air, …

: Egret On my walk yesterday, I was carrying the OM-5 with the 14-150mm/f4-5.6 superzoom. It's not a birding …

: Insomnia Moon 2-28 Been awake since about 0230, writing blog posts in my head while trying to go back to sleep. …

: Taking My Own Advice I deleted my account on Mastodon. Right after Mark Bernstein followed me. Damn. I don't think I have …

: Blogging After Dark Not watching a movie tonight, so I was scrolling through my Mastodon timeline. I don't spend a lot …

: Fountain Ok, looks like the Automator application works again. It's not optimal, because I'm just pointing it …

: This Morning's Moon 2-26 Although I'd intended to do some work on the marmot, I got distracted by the moon. I had tried a …

: On The Small Screen Now I get to watch the YouTube video of our Blogging With Tinderbox meetup, and see how much I may …

: In My "Mind's Eye" Garret mentions he doesn't have an "inner voice." I've only learned of this fairly recently, within …

: The "Back Fence" Web This morning I saw a little alert that I'd been "mentioned" on Mastodon. I checked, and Phil …

: On the Big Screen The navy operates a lot of complicated, expensive machinery. If you don't do it right, things can …

: About Face Well, it wasn't a long walk. I noticed the cars lining the road and folks gathering in a driveway. I …

: After Action The meetup went really well I thought. I saw James Fallows in the audience briefly. I guess he …

: BWT: Practice We're an hour away from the meetup, so I'm still screwing around with this thing. Heh. Originally …

: BWT: Notes to Myself Today is the Blogging With Tinderbox meetup, so that's foremost on my mind this morning. I don't …

: Twilight on the Intracoastal Waterway Sorta kinda works. The problem right now is that the folder the image is moved to is hard-coded in …

: Success Okay, the basic export and sync work. Huzzah! I had to delete my "favorite" sync setup in Forklift …

: Let's See If This Works... Test post from the 14" M3 MBP. I already know I have a problem with my Automator application that …

: Dave the Repair Guy Jack's worried he hasn't prepared adequately for the meetup on Saturday. He shouldn't, it's more a …

: Returning to Normal My sister-in-law is recovering nicely from her fractured pelvis. Her comfort and mobility have …

: Meta: Blogging en Fran&#xe7;ais Built-in browser translation services make blogging accessible internationally. Here's some advice …

: Something Good Jacksonville, Florida is the largest city near me. As a "consolidated government," it's all of Duval …

: BWT: Correction Mitzi dropped by the Command Cave as I was writing the previous post and mentioned she was getting …

: BWT: If I Can Do It One of the reservations the Tinderbox-curious sometimes express is that it looks complicated, or …

: BWT: 10,000 Hours of Futzing I had another blog post in mind, but I couldn't find the quote I was looking for, so this will do. …

: Idle Hands And Something About a Blog... "You too have a complicated interior life that deserves to be explored and shared!" I wrote that …

: BWT: Responsive Developer A week from today there will be a virtual Tinderbox meet-up (Note: Calendar times are Pacific Time.) …

: When Worlds Collide Immanuel Velikovsky would have been pleased. (When I read this, I was pleasantly surprised that I …

: TBPO: "Rights" I got up this morning andthis was the first thing I read in my RSS feed. Kevin Kelly is a …

: iCloud is Tricky Setting up a new MacBook Pro with a 2TB internal drive has made me think again about iCloud drive. …

: Early Spring I've been getting the 14" M3 MBP set up, which has taken a bit longer than I expected. Another …

: Sunrise 13 Feb 24 I was sitting in the office, going over Medicare and Tricare EOBs, as one does, when I noticed my …

: NFL Was anyone else troubled by the little infomercial about the NFL camp in Ghana, Africa? I kind of …

: Progress The recliner is back in my office! (There was much rejoicing.) Mitzi's sister is steadily improving, …

: Movies: American Fiction Watched American Fiction last night, in lieu of the Superb Owl event. Had to buy it as it wasn't …

: Fool: New MacBook Pro I'm going to have to endure another brief period of self-loathing again. I was browsing through …

: BWT: Automation BWT will refer to "blogging with Tinderbox." I've got a "test article" that I use to try out certain …

: Sunset 2/9/24 Looked like sunset was shaping up to be something nice last night. I walked across the street with …

: PFM Okay, did the troubleshooting thing with Hazel. No joy. Quit Hazel. Re-launched Hazel. Works. 🤷‍♂️ …

: Karma Kind of a test post to see what else is working, or not. I had three rolls of 35mm film laying …

: One Step Up and Two Steps Back One of my favorite Springsteen songs back in the days when, well, things weren't going so well. …

: Blogging With Tinderbox There's going to be a Tinderbox zoom meetup on the 24th to discuss "blogging with Tinderbox." To …

: Dawn 8 Feb 24 Mitzi spotted the sky while I was in the office. Grabbed the drone and went aloft. This is about 3 …

: Hadestown Mitzi is a huge fan of musicals. Theater in general, but musicals in particular. She keeps her …

: Authority The marmot's tag-line is from The Big Lebowski, which is also the source of the marmot's moniker. …

: Death and Taxes There's an effort underway by Florida's generation-long ruling political party to consider …

: All The Feels A post from Dave Winer enters the timeline: Everyone's watching and listening to Fast Car this …

: Orion Nebula I went over to visit with a friend last night and we looked at Jupiter through his large Meade …

: Disturbing the Peace I ended up deleting the Miami Herald RSS feed from my subscriptions in NetNewsWire. Too much "news" …

: Praetorian Guard I should probably dust off Notes From the Underground for this, but until then I have to wonder what …

: Surise at the River One of the shots I got this morning. There weren't many. I went down to the river at the launch …

: Fixed... I think. Went for a walk. Very few birds. Suspect low tide may have had something to do with it. Nice walk …

: Okay, I broke something It'll have to wait. I'm going for a walk. Sigh. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 11:07 Thursday, 1 …

: Okay, I broke something It'll have to wait. I'm going for a walk. Sigh. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 06:44 Thursday, 1 …

: Adjustments Mitzi's sister arrived on Monday and we've been adjusting to the new accommodations here. It turns …

: Upgrades I've been corresponding with Jack Baty, and he was kind enough to send me the Tinderbox file that is …

: Furniture I've been re-arranging the furniture in anticipation of Mitzi's sister's arrival. Due to her injury, …

: Grumpy Old Man Post Perhaps it's because I'm getting old and "stuck in my ways," or because the world is on fire, but I …

: More Reasons to Avoid Florida I happened to hear this radio program yesterday and I thought I'd share it here. It's The Florida …

: Misery Hall The infirmary at the Naval Academy was referred to as "Misery Hall." I only went there twice. Once …

: Further to the Foregoing It occurred to me that I didn't mention why the five stages were relevant in the preceding post. …

: Insomnia Notes I haven't been sleeping well with Mitzi away. While I'm not sleeping, I seem to do a lot of …

: Black Bellied Whistling Ducks Didn't make it into the preserve this morning, but I brought along the OM-1 on my walk hoping to see …

: Get Out of The House Mitzi's in St. Pete visiting a museum exhibit and an old friend (and her financial advisor), so I'm …

: Data Point If moving weren't such a huge pain in the ass, and the fact that my grandkids all live here, we'd …

: Planning Ahead If you're considering Florida as a place to retire and age in place, I would encourage you to think …

: Tools Garret suggests that I look into DXO Photolab for night sky shots. First, thanks for reading the …

: Humble Brag Last night I went with some neighbors to hear Donna Deegan, the first woman mayor of Jacksonville, …

: Trying Something New (Larger version here.) I've been watching some YouTube videos from Serif on usingAffinity Photo 2. …

: Aging In Place One of life's inevitable realities for the lucky is getting old. Now, I'm 66 and in fairly good …

: Moi It was 36°F out, but there was a little breeze too. Crisp and clear though. I brought along the …

: Hero Pose <img src=“https://nice-marmot.net/Archives/2024/Images/P1190170.JPG" alt=“Low …

: Mission Accomplished Bit of a drive to get there, but I got to the shop that was hosting KEH. Kevin was the buyer. He's …

: Load Shed KEH, the used camera dealer, is going to be in town today and tomorrow. I've put together a big box …

: Woz Went to the Florida Forum last night. It's a fund-raising program for Wolfson Children's Hospital. …

: TBPO: Apple TV (again) Been meaning to add this to my litany of complaints about how Apple TV is turning to crap. In the …

: Invisible Listened to this story on NPR Morning Edition this, er, morning. It was all fascinating and moving, …

: Masquerade Maybe this is becoming a photo blog. I'm wrestling with the usual anxiety and discomfort that comes …

: Rows and Flows Not that this is going to become a photo blog or anything, but I wanted to mention the little E-PM1 …

: Small World The sun came out yesterday afternoon, hallelujah! I went out and took some pics with the OM-5. …

: Suburban Subversive Another radical celebration of life amidst decay. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 10:39 Sunday, 14 …

: Elaborating I feel as though I should elaborate a bit on the preceding post. I alluded to why I decided to shoot …

: Making Do Weather was decidedly "meh" yesterday. Windy too, which made this little weed tilt and sway like it …

: RSS Test Fixed a bit of hard-coded date stuff in the RSS export template. Next January things should go much …

: Cloudy With a Chance of "Meh." Got the OM-5 yesterday and of course the weather is uninspiring. It feels denser than I thought it …

: Fool: Succumbed Welp... I bought it. The OM-5. Not the "pre-owned" one, a new one. I figured for $150, I might as …

: Another Note to Self Forgot to update the RSS template for 2024. Fixed. What I ought to do today is make the year an …

: Fool: GAS Attack (GAS is an acronym for "gear acquisition syndrome.") Spent a lot of last night tossing and turning …

: Neural Frustrations I have an appointment for a neurology consult on Monday to look into why my toes seem numb. They're …

: Apple Frustrations Against my better instincts, I bought an Apple Watch Series 9 (before the decision, subsequently …

: Fool: Speaking of Cameras I should know better than to visit the forums at dpReview. It's a "gear" forum and people talk about …

: Why Shoot Color Film? Mike Johnston asks, "Is there any reason a film photographer would shoot color today?" I touched on …

: Getting By Mitzi's mom passed away yesterday morning. Not to be all L'Étranger or anything. She was 94 and had …

: Movies: Mystery Men This is one of the best looks at Mystery Men that I've watched. (There's one where a guy basically …

: Movies: Batman (Burton) and Mystery Men I bought the Christopher Nolan Batman series on 4K UHD Blu-ray a couple of weeks ago, and while we …

: ISS Overhead Jan 5 23 Quick test to make sure everything is, in fact, wired up correctly. The International Space Station …

: Tiny Elves I know AKMA reads the marmot, because he reaches out to me from time to time on Mastodon to comment …

: Further to the Foregoing An interesting discussion at the Tinderbox forum on using Tinderbox to corral and tame 30 years' …

: Note to Self Just because I'm making these posts for my future (December) self, I had a little glitch there. I …

: Test Fix (Screenshot) Okay, it was the photo prototype, not the template. Easy fix. And it was the Automator application …

: This Morning's Hawk Since I'm usually shooting backlit subjects on my morning walks, I use spot-metering. This doesn't …

: Meta: Skipping Around the Local Quadrant (Ed. Note: "Meta" is a tag for a blog post about blogging. It has nothing to do with Facebook, the …

: Reading The Power Broker My wife's daughter mentioned something about a community effort to read Robert Caro's The Power …

: Non Sequiturs Does anyone else think Bradley Cooper is way overrated? Way overrated. I just noticed that the sound …

: Clever? <img src=“https://nice-marmot.net/Archives/2023/Images/P1020009.JPG" alt=“A …

: Pix My passions seem to wax and wane, tossed as they are on the stormy seas of my interior experience. …

: The Invading Sea, Wes Williamson: Florida cattle ranches critical to preserving environment Kind of …

: Tube: Annika PBS Masterpiece Theater comes through with another Nicola Walker vehicle, Annika. This one is mostly …

: 2023 Power Stats We used roughly 10MWh of electricity last year (house + RAV4 Prime). 47% of that (4.7MWh) came from …

: 2023 Power Stats We used roughly 10MWh of electricity last year (house + RAV4 Prime). 47% of that (4.7MWh) came from …

: New Year Figured I might as well test this too. So far, so good. Unremarkable shot, but I liked the colors. …

: New Year Figured I might as well test this too. So far, so good. Unremarkable shot, but I liked the colors. …

: First New Year Test Let's see if this works... Originally posted at Nice Marmot 09:59 Monday, 1 January 2024

: First New Year Test Let's see if this works... Originally posted at Nice Marmot 09:59 Monday, 1 January 2024

: Winding Down We spent the last couple of days in Charleston, South Carolina, with Mitzi's daughter and son-in-law …

: Lands and Titles and the Divine Right of Kings Mitzi just finished a re-watch of The Crown. I've never watched the whole thing. I've seen parts of …

: Light a Candle We watched The Man Who Invented Christmas last night. Somehow, its existence has eluded me for the …

: Florida Christmas The E-620 arrived yesterday. It's remarkable how fast stuff gets delivered from KEH. They're in …

: The Notebook I haven't finished The Notebook by Roland Allen, but I am enjoying it. It seems odd that I should …

: One Thing Leads to Another My YouTube problem seems to be resolved. One thing I don't like about not being able to use "native" …

: YT VC Update I've been screwing around with this for the last couple of hours, and I'm fairly confident I've …

: YT VC An update to my YouTube problem. Had a bit of a back and forth on Mastodon with Tommy Williams, one …

: Movies: Star Trek The Motion Picture The 4k Blu-ray arrived yesterday, so Mitzi and I watched it after Slow Horses. Well, I watched it. …

: TBPO: Apple News+ Since I'm bitching about online stuff, I figure I might as well get this one out there too. Apple …

: YouTube Volume Control I use an ad blocker, and YouTube has finally caught up with me, saying I could watch only 3 more …

: Tube: Iconic America Mitzi and I have been watching this PBS series, Iconic America, and it's very good. We've seen …

: Shooting Star Since I wasn't sleeping, I figured I'd set the E-M1 Mk3 up out back and look up at the sky for me. I …

: Tube: BSG Mitzi and I watched the Battlestar Galactica mini-series/pilot the other night, because it was the …

: TBPO: Apple TV I think Apple has reached that stage in its corporate existence when it has an enormous executive …

: Street Photography In a Bubble I made an album of shots from this morning's walk. Carried the red (so red) E-PL6, because it's a …

: TBPO: No. My hair is not on fire. Why do you ask? "TBPO" is an acronym for "the band played on." It's mostly a reference to the Titanic, though it's …

: Belay My Last In the preceding post, I mistakenly linked to the wrong Eton radio. The link has been corrected. But …

: LTWB: Follow-up I made a brief post the other day about the Netflix movie Leave the World Behind, and I wanted to …

: Tube: Halo Season 1 Finished the first season of Halo, and I'm rather impressed. It's not great, but it's entertaining. …

: Meta: NetNewsWire Feature Wish I subscribe to the Miami Herald, and they offer their stories via RSS, which I really appreciate. …

: Fooling Around in Flickr I stumbled upon flickriver for the first time today, despite the fact that it's been around since …

: <img src=“https://nice-marmot.net/Archives/2023/Images/IMG_2218.JPG" alt=“The …

: Flickriver Badge Experimental test. Should wind up on the Sights page. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 09:09 …

: Zibaldoni I read Chapter 4 in The Notebook, by Roland Allen, yesterday and it was fascinating. The preceding …

: Leave the World Behind I enjoyed this Netflix movie. Mitzi did not. She found it too slow, and the ending disappointing. It …

: Tube: Halo Amazon Prime is offering a Paramount+ series, Halo, until the end of December. I've binged the first …

: Meta: The Band Will Play On The marmot will continue to compartmentalize its existential dread and offer routine posts of …

: Diagnosis After posting yesterday, I stumbled on this piece in The New Republic. I think Chris Murphy and …

: Unleash Your Creativity "Release the kraken!" I read Rachel Martin's interview with Rick Rubin a couple of days ago, and …

: A Phone Is Not A Camera After getting the MX-1 and another XZ-2, I started pulling cameras out of the box I was going to …

: Collecting My Thoughts I started a post yesterday, but didn't finish it. I don't wish to return to it just now, I don't …

: Season's Greetings It's the time of the year when we start getting cards from various friends and family. It's the only …

: Fast Turn-Around Jack Baty responds. I agree with his criticism of the video. I concluded that the seemingly …

: Harvey We watched Harvey last night. I loved the movie as a kid. I bought it a couple of years ago, perhaps …

: Think About It Is Niklas Luhman remembered more for his contributions to his fields of study, or for his …

: Fun and Nostalgic Jack Baty: I can't decide if the recent trend of using old digicams is fun and nostalgic or just …

: Flickr I don't know if it's because I mentioned it in the marmot, or if it's because I'm tagging photos …

: Fools For Thought I don't know the magnitude of the set of passions embraced by humanity. Certainly, a single human …

: All we ever have are moments to live. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 06:35 Sunday, 3 December 2023

: Bon Voyage Most days I have this feeling that I'm sailing aboard the Titanic. I've heard rumors of icebergs …

: Wishful Thinking The Washington Post published an opinion piece by Robert Kagan that opened with this: Let’s stop the …

: A Deep and Dark December My affinity for alliteration aside, it's actually sunny out. I've been mulling over what to do with …

: Fool: XZ-2 (x2) Well, I suppose it was inevitable. Another XZ-2 ("Near Mint") should be here Saturday. Not a …

: Movies: The Marvels Mitzi and I saw this yesterday in a matinée at the local multiplex. It was great because the kids …

: Tube: The Equalizer (3) I'm a little embarrassed to admit that Mitzi and I watched this last night. It's mostly more of the …

: Giving Tuesday In recent years, I've given a fair amount of money to political campaigns. With a couple of …

: Chronic Fatigue I think NFTU still has a role to play for me, because this is the sort of post I don't wish to …

: Camera: Disappointment The sun was giving hints that it might come out this morning, but I wasn't sure. There might have …

: Tube: Holiday Season For many years, my family had a Thanksgiving holiday tradition of watching National Lampoon's …

: Tube: Hannah I have a crush on Hannah Waddingham, so I enjoyed her Home for Christmas very much. She's a …

: MX-1 vs. XZ-2 After everything settled down yesterday, while the sun was still out, I tried to take a couple of …

: Tube: Monarch Monarch is pretty good. I'm ambivalent about these franchise efforts, like Star Wars, Star Trek, the …

: Tube: Chemistry I don't know if Lessons In Chemistry will return for another season. I suppose I could look, I'm …

: Normal Our house guests have departed, and the ensuing laundry effort seems to have dampened (heh) Mitzi's …

: Ventless Dryer If that isn't a compelling title, I don't know what is. I'd recently heard about heat-pump dryers, I …

: Gratitude It's Thanksgiving Day, so maybe we should give a little attention to the matter of gratitude. I …

: Like Savages Our internet went out at 10:45am yesterday. It's still out. We have a Comcast tech scheduled to …

: It's Alive (Part Deux) The Olympus Stylus 1s with the "stuck lens" arrived today. The listing showed two third-party …

: Under the Weather I feel fine. But it is an apt description for what my interior experience has been like for the last …

: Talk About the Weather It's still wet and rainy. Kind of casting about for something to blog about. I was scrolling through …

: Fool: XZ-2 The XZ-2 arrived yesterday. It's in excellent shape, other than the chipped and cracked cover glass …

: Gyre: Fake Valor I'm going to start categorizing posts more often. "Gyre" is going to be the category of things that …

: Tube: The Killer I enjoyed the new Netflix David Fincher flick, The Killer. Kind of a thinking person's John Wick, …

: Tube: Upload Mitzi doesn't like Upload, but I enjoy it. It's pretty on-the-nose ("Betta" as "Meta" for instance), …

: Tube: Chemistry I love this show so much, but it exacts a price. As a guy who cries at Kodak commercials (obscure …

: Tube: Mankind Well, I suppose it was inevitable. I was looking forward to the return of For All Mankind, but now I …

: Yesterday Yesterday was Veterans Day. I'm a veteran. I decided to skip the long discursive meditation that I …

: Fool: Cameras I figure "fool" is a good category for personal posts in the vein of "a fool and his money are soon …

: Blanked After a fairly productive morning yesterday, this morning's walk yielded nothing. I put a few up on …

: Tube: TMS I enjoyed the season finale of The Morning Show last night. I think they let Jon Hamm off a little …

: Default Apps Blog memes! I remember... Anyway, memes can mutate, so here's my "default" app list. Stuff I use all …

: Selective Outrage In contrast to the scribblings of the mediocre mind of Jacksonville property lawyer and aspiring …

: Notes to Myself We had a Tinderbox meetup yesterday, and there was really nothing on the agenda. A question came up …

: Strawberries I should be out taking a walk right now, or riding my bike, but since I just poured myself another …

: The Gyre On Thursday, Mitzi and I went to Jacksonville University to hear Dr. Helen Czerski speak at an event …

: Dietrich Bonhoeffer I was unfamiliar with the name Dietrich Bonhoeffer, so I did a little digging. This piece is perhaps …

: Unconventional Thinking Since I'm in a TED sort of mood, here's one I watched last night and it speaks to the challenge the …

: Courage Mitzi watched the Diana Nyad bio-pic on Netflix yesterday, and I saw the latter half. As I recall, …

: Tube: The Morning Show Whoa. I liked episode 9. Well, I hated episode 9 too. What was I saying about none of the characters …

: Cool Well, the yogurt experiment didn't go as well as I'd hoped. The "proof" setting isn't very warm at …

: Proof I'm trying to make yogurt today. I bought some UHT milk and watched a YouTube video, so I'm all set. …

: Grass It's cool this morning, so I'm wearing jeans. I've learned that I don't like wearing jeans while …

: Tube: Bodies We finished watching Bodies on Netflix last night. It reminded me of Cloud Atlas meets Looper. There …

: Tube: Bodies We finished watching Bodies on Netflix last night. It reminded me of Cloud Atlas meets Looper. There …

: Degrowth As you read more about the emerging crisis of modernity, one of the ideas about possible "solutions" …

: Finished Software This piece has been making the rounds in my feeds, and it seems to be resonating with a few people, …

: Rise and Shine My new month Edict worked flawlessly this morning. I see one more tweak I might make to it. (Adding …

: Waiting On The Fog Figured I'd ride the bike this morning and check out the garden. It's been pretty foggy, but it …

: Hold Onto Your Wallets, Florida "Lured by the nation’s highest premiums and new laws making it harder to sue insurance companies, …

: John P. Weiss is always worth a read. Today especially, I think. Originally posted at Nice Marmot …

: Climate: Inexorable I found the link to Kate Marvel's quote in this piece. Just one dimension of the multi-dimensional …

: Hopepunk: We Need Courage, Not Hope This resonated strongly with me. Faith is the foundation of existence. Love is the first derivative …

: The only spider web I saw. There were a lot of those crazy webs on the low bushes. I don't know if …

: I rode my bike to the garden and brought along the Stylus 1s. I really need to start carrying the …

: Screw Apple I've been an Apple customer for decades. I likely will remain one for the rest of my life. But I …

: Regal Jumping Spider Speaking of spiders. Saw this one in April 2020. Haven't seen once since. Of course, I hadn't seen …

: Picked this up by way of News+ which gets me The Atlantic. Fortunately for you, Dear Reader, The …

: Meta: For the Hell of It Since 1999 (Not about Facebook. Once upon a time, I'd "tag" posts in the title, like "BSG:" for Battlestar …

: Morning Twilight Since sunrise is at a such a late hour (7:24 a.m.), I figured we might as well take advantage of it …

: The Tube Still enjoying The Morning Show. One of the things I like about it is that all of the characters are …

: "The peak of your civilization." In The Matrix, Agent Smith is interrogating Morpheus and is describing for him some of the history …

: Gimme 5 Steps I think this is about right, and in line with the idea of hopepunk. I didn't take a walk this …

: New Hobby Mitzi and I have joined the Garden Club. Since we live in an HOA, everything you might want to grow …

: "We're gonna need a lot more sand..." The thing about science is that it's inherently conservative. When science is telling you that …

: Crop I mean, stuff like this... This is a crop of the preceding image. Otherwise, straight out of the …

: Ready for His Closeup But 400mm does let you do this. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 06:17 Tuesday, 24 October 2023

: Angels I took the E-M1X to the airshow on Saturday because I was going to use the mZuiko 100-400mm zoom. It …

: Loss Mitzi and I went to see the Blue Angels in Jacksonville Beach on Saturday. I took way too many pics. …

: Blindness I was disappointed to read a recent opinion piece in Jax Today, a relatively new local news outlet …

: Hopepunk Had a wonderful weekend getaway at nearby Vilano Beach. Weather has been fabulously fall, cool and …

: Clues Once upon a time, I knew that when you were on the right track, the universe gave you some …

: "What's your plan?" Any form of education, I think, pays dividends all throughout your life. And I've often said that …

: Beautiful morning today, 60-something degrees, not a cloud in the sky. Saw not one but two little …

: History Every morning, I look at the News app on my iPhone, and I fully expect to see something horrifying …

: Open Windows Note today's temperature: 58°F! Woo-hoo! I've opened several windows in the house. The CO2 level has …

: Reliving My Youth I'll open with the happy fact that my knees feel great! I mean, they're still the knees of a …

: Standing on Zanzibar I feel much better today. Enough about that. As an adolescent, I cut my teeth on Golden Age science …

: Aches and Pains I don't wish the marmot to become a chronicle of the daily aches and pains of an old man, but wow. I …

: People Are Weird When I picked up the prescription for the antibiotic, it was the first time I'd paid for any meds …

: I'm Blaming Everything On the Tick Just went through and fixed a bunch of screw-ups in the marmot. Yesterday, I was working on some …

: Sympathy Can Be Found in the Dictionary ...between "shit" and "syphilis." Sums up how I feel about Kevin McCarthy. I watched part of the …

: Sympathy Can Be Found in the Dictionary ...between "shit" and "syphilis." Sums up how I feel about Kevin McCarthy. I watched part of the …

: Could Explain Something I received the results of my bloodwork yesterday. Everything seems fine, except I do have Lyme …

: Could Explain Something I received the results of my bloodwork yesterday. Everything seems fine, except I do have Lyme …

: Greenwashing Apple's iPhone event and the Mother Nature bit are still showing up in my feeds, so a few more …

: Warning I've seen a number of mentions in social media or blogs, Heather Cox Richardson being one of them, …

: Yawn The sleep deprivations continue. Mitzi did get in last night. She did miss her original connection …

: There I was, sitting in my recliner, engrossed in reading a new book, Sunburst and Luminary, An …

: Externalities There's a local public interest morning radio show on WJCT called First Coast Connect. If you're …

: Appreciate This Moment Because it won't last. Every morning, as I fill my water bottle, I make an effort to be grateful and …

: Horrible People Having said I didn't watch Succession because it was all about horrible people in positions of some …

: Something About Morpheus Huzzah! I actually slept through the night. Mostly. Fell back asleep when I woke up occasionally. …

: That's Entertainment I've been watching Season 2 of Invasion, and it's much better than the first season. Pacing is …

: I'll Sleep When I'm Dead Well, here we are again. Been awake for an hour already, and pretty much just tossing and turning …

: One Final Test Going to see a doctor today for the first time in a few years for a physical. Mostly interested in …

: Aunt Carol, who is 88, chatting with Mom at her birthday party. Fixed one automation. Now trying to …

: Let's See What Else is Broken We're out of Documents and into a folder within my user account. I'm sure other stuff is busted now. …

: I give up... Okay. Back to square one. September folder reappeared. Hazel couldn't move it. Log shows the same …

: Caitie doesn't like the way I photograph people. This shot was taken during an exchange we were …

: A Change Progress, perhaps? Exported the preceding. Went to Forklift to see what was going to get sync'ed. If …

: No Change Jack Baty seems to be up early too. Anyway, re-started and it made no difference. Checked …

: Sleepless Figured it was pointless just to lie in bed, so here I am. Updated the iMac to Sonoma last night. …

: Took a lot of pics for Mom's birthday. It was cloudy and cool, but it didn't rain. I like this one. …

: And We're Back... Home again, that is. I could complain about travel, but I'm not. It is what it is, and it's not fun, …

: Despair Is Not An Option I listened to climate scientist Michael Mann on NPR's Science Friday about how past climate events …

: We're All Gonna Die As may be inevitable these days, when you're talking with friends, especially ones you haven't seen …

: New Products On the way to the airport on Tuesday, I listened to a podcast about the September Apple Event. I …

: Away From My Desk Ignore the weather data, I took the marmot on the road with me, which is an interesting exercise I …

: Having only seen my first cattle egret around here a month ago, here's another one this morning. …

: Amazing This is a long video in today's world. I watched the whole thing. It's pretty remarkable. I found it …

: This morning's birds are these mourning doves. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 08:50 Thursday, 14 …

: New Shiny My 2019 27" iMac will update to Sonoma on the 26th. I'd have installed one of the betas, but I kind …

: Dew point was reasonable and the sky was clear, so I pointed the EM-1 Mk3 to the sky with the …

: Put the drone up this morning. On the flight back from Miami, Mitzi had the window seat so I only …

: Down a Couple Pints Showed up to donate blood this morning, and my octane* was high enough to meet the requirement this …

: Jokes' On Us Our travel insurance just covered illness. It must cover something because Mitzi said we'll probably …

: And We're Back My caution that the marmot would be silent until Monday "at the earliest," was appropriate. We …

: Multi-modal A year ago we flew to Boston for the wedding of my late friend's daughter. Today we're flying to …

: Cranking Widgets Jack linked to a post by Cal Newport (FWIW, I've never heard of Cal Newport.) about the Mythic …

: Unremarkable photo. What is remarkable, and disturbing, is this is only the second bird (the first …

: Memory Mitzi and I are watching season 5 of Unforgotten. It's good, though I relate to Sunny and his grief …

: Everything Old is New Again Jack laments the current fad or fashion of film. I can relate. I was never as much into photography …

: Very pleasant morning today. 67°F! Supposed to get over 90° later today though. Still, I'll take it. …

: Pretty pleasant this morning! 74°F, though the humidity was still rather high. It's fine until you …

: Le Sigh All fixed now. Had the computer photo post fail to export because the HTMLDontExport boolean …

: Fixed Ah, mystery solved. Mark Anderson just emailed me that the September archive wasn't resolving. …

: Further to the Foregoing My workflow is flawed. I recently read something and my unreliable memory suggests is was about a …

: Further to the Foregoing My workflow is flawed. I recently read something and my unreliable memory suggests is was about a …

: Conceit We had kind of an "open mike" session at the Tinderbox meet-up yesterday, no planned program and no …

: Conceit We had kind of an "open mike" session at the Tinderbox meet-up yesterday, no planned program and no …

: This morning's moon. Had a glitch yesterday, posting the handhelds. Everything seemed fine at Marmot …

: Hey, It Keeps Me Off the Streets <img src=“https://nice-marmot.net/Archives/2023/Images/IMG_7326.JPG" alt=“From …

: And the Results Are In... Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice... Check it out: N 1 to 1000 - HP-75 exponentiating (N^2) - …

: Weird I looked in the TI-74 manual to see if it had anything to say about the SQR() function, and it only …

: Retro Update I've been trying to configure an HD image for Virtual II with the appropriate system software and …

: A New Month My "edict" for 2023 properly created September. So, "Yay for automation!" I've been spending time …

: Don't Fall For It Like a dumbass, I tried to take advantage of Bud Light's 4th of July $15.00 rebate. I submitted …

: Started walking at 0700, so it was still pretty dim. Brought along the E-M1 Mk3 with 12-100/f4 …

: Retro It was something of "lazy" day yesterday, if that word has much meaning for a retired guy. We'd tune …

: Blue Moon Idalia passed well to the north of us. All we experienced in my area were some clouds and gusty …

: This and That Sunday was Tinderbox meetup day. Mark Bernstein gave a master class in using action code stream …

: Little luck with birds the last few days. Stuck my head outside to look for the moon last night …

: Soup Stuck my head outside shortly after I got up and we're back to being a sauna. Blech! Yesterday …

: Retro Rockets Kind of a pun on the way "retro" technology can kind of "slow" your progress in other areas. Still, …

: Went out to get the paper this morning, and it actually felt nice. Almost cool. That's because the …

: Boil Water I've mentioned before that I try to take a moment each morning, as I'm filling my water bottle, to …

: Spell Checker As I'm eating breakfast this morning, Mitzi and I are discussing the Republican debate. All of a …

: The "Debate" The marmot did not watch the Republican Presidential Pageant last night, as the judges interviewed …

: This morning's (non)bird: St Johns County Mosquito Control District airborne asset. Heard a …

: For Jack Baty Hey Jack! Spotted this on my (birdless) walk yesterday. It made me chuckle. Figured some osprey had …

: Shut out on birds yesterday and today. This morning the second of Mitzi's three bird of paradise …

: So True Looking at southern California, Maui, Canada and I'm reminded of William Gibson, 20 years ago:"The …

: Funky In a funk all day yesterday. Didn't sleep well Saturday night. Surprised at how the death of a …

: This morning's bird. I took some shots from farther away, unsure if it'd let me get closer. This is …

: Mediocrity While Donna Deegan's new mayoral administration holds the potential for rousing Jacksonville city …

: We are going to have to reinvent the notion of insurance. The current model is unsustainable. …

: G'night Moon Spotted the crescent moon last night and had to take this. Used the E-P7 with the 25mm/f1.8. Already …

: Mistakes Were Made Wasn't my night, last night I guess. We'd finished watching season 4 of Unforgotten, not season 3. …

: Terminology Sitting here doing nothing else, I figured I might mention that I used the term "identity" this …

: Unforgettable Finished watching Unforgotten Season 3 this evening. Real punch in the stomach. Great series. DCI …

: We haven't had any rain in over a week. Seems to keep falling all around us! Originally posted at …

: Coming Around The other day, I mentioned something that I've long believed. That technology isn't the solution to …

: Math Help Buying the HP-75 has turned into a new, and likely passing, obsession. While it's burning, I've …

: No birds this morning. Well, a couple of vultures. Gator though. Originally posted at Nice Marmot …

: This morning's bird, a green heron. Cloud cover made conditions somewhat dim. I heard one across the …

: The Limits of Technology I like to keep up with Dave Winer's Scripting.com blog, because he's been around for a long time and …

: Didn't see much this morning. A green heron, but it was a little too far away. Shot it anyway. But …

: Unforgotten While the writers and actors are striking, and I hope they get everything they want, Mitzi and I …

: With the slightly cooler temp, I walked later yesterday morning, with enough light to carry a …

: Cool If you care to notice, the temperature recording for this post is somewhat less than the previous …

: It Figures Calculators and handheld computers consumed what time I might have spent with the marmot yesterday …

: With regard to the previous post, I modified the program in each of the machines to eliminate the …

: Distractions I've been playing around a bit with the HP-75C. I received a replacement battery pack, which takes …

: Dawn Patrol It's been about a week now where the morning low is 79°F or higher, with the humidity above 90%. The …

: I concur with Jack Baty and Petapixel. I don't make enough use of all of Flickr's features, but …

: I thought this was worthwhile to read. A brief interview with a social scientist about climate …

: Rabbit Hole Got little I'd planned accomplished yesterday. Went looking for my Dad's other pics of Nagasaki, …

: Dropped a card in the mail to Mom this morning. Timed it perfectly, as the garbage truck was just …

: Nagasaki Dad was on occupation duty in Japan immediately after the war. While it was clearly the desire to …

: Fascination While things may be pretty grim, there is no denying that a lot of exciting things are going on as …

: You Can't Go Home Again Tom Murphy of Do the Math offers some consolations of the pastoral life of the hunter-gatherer in …

: An Illustration Perhaps this might help with regard to the previous post. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 17:34 …

: Maintenance Update At the end of last month, I was working on trying to automate some of the aspects of maintaining the …

: Backup We had a power glitch yesterday, FPL had a transformer fail. I never saw it while I was working on …

: Insured Got our flood insurance renewal notice yesterday. $800 for this year, 16% increase from last year. …

: Ok, Doomer It's been interesting watching the change in tenor in the conversation about climate change over the …

: Wave Power I was an ocean engineering major at the Naval Academy. I wasn't an outstanding student by any …

: Damn the Torpedoes, Indeed Heather Cox Richardson with a worthwhile history lesson. Go Navy. Originally posted at Notes From …

: Better Today Slept normally last night, and I feel pretty well today. Still a little groggy, but much closer to …

: Uninsured Florida I'm sharing this Washington Post piece with a "gift" link, so you can read it behind the paywall. …

: This mourning dove. Got a killdeer and a bluebird too. Up on Flickr. Originally posted at Nice …

: Update We learned a bit more about the young man lost in the woods behind the house. Turns out, he …

: Not Sleeping Second night in a row I'm awake a little before 0200 and can't really fall back to sleep. I wasn't …

: Dogears In the blogosphere, a dogear may be a starred entry in NetNewsWire. It is for me anyway. AKMA …

: Can't sleep? Well, bark at the moon. Or photograph it. E-M1X handheld high-res, 400mm (800mm efl), …

: Planning Over on the marmot, I called this post "Bullshit." It's about a report on Gate Petroleum working to …

: This Morning's Bird Overslept because Oppenheimer kind of disturbed my sleep. Rather than walk in the Florida sauna, …

: Bullshit This made me laugh out loud. "About four years ago, we started really looking at both the Ponte …

: Enjoyed the conclusion to Hijack last night. I suppose I might have liked all the loose ends neatly …

: Not So Fast, Rogers While I was busy basking in the warmth of well-deserved accolades, it occurred to me that my little …

: Life's Little Joys So yesterday's project got sidetracked by old Hewlett-Packard handheld computers. That's another …

: Maintenance At last Sunday's Tinderbox meetup, I mentioned how much I've been enjoying working in Tinderbox, and …

: This is an untitled post. It does have a title in Tinderbox, but it includes an exclamation point, …

: Maybe it's just because I'm getting old, but I find John P. Weiss is always worth a read. Originally …

: Blogging This post is prompted bysomething Jack Baty posted, and so is kind of directed toward him, but is …

: Bitter Taste I'm not of fan of Cory Doctorow's work. I've never met the guy, maybe he's a warm and wonderful …

: Saw a snowy egret and a little blue heron too, but the bluebird made the best shot. The Wikipedia …

: Things I'm Too Old to Deal With A few items not mentioned in the Huffington Post listicle. Elon Musk. Life is too short to waste any …

: Coincidentally, I put the drone up yesterday afternoon because it was such a nice day and we'd had …

: Sleep Hygiene Hygiene... One of those words that, the longer you look at it, the less you think it's spelled …

: Rain We got 3.6" of rain yesterday, which seemed like a lot. The retention ponds were all full. So I …

: No Lies Detected Huffington Post listicle from a Reddit thing. Mitzi and I went to see Jackson Browne at the Moran …

: Commander Dave gets his name in the paper again. Along with several paragraphs of text. Originally …

: "Properties" Good morning, Jack. I saw that too. I immediately thought of "attributes." And Tinderbox. (Which is …

: Difference Between Florida and Texas From the Houston Chronicle in Apple News+: Olivarez said earlier in the day that troopers are told …

: "Ya wanna know what I think?" The whole world has gone nuts. We live in a simulation and the admins are screwing with us, that's …

: I have, of late, eschewed commenting on the whole "X" fiasco. But I will link to this, because I …

: Shamble On Lying awake since 0400, debating whether or not to "exercise." A little squall rolled through and …

: Always pleasant to see the bluebirds. There were a couple of turkey vultures grooming themselves in …

: Memory Nothing philosophical, just an update on my 2019 27" iMac, now with 128GB of RAM. Right now I'm …

: Cloudy this morning, which keeps the intense heat of the sun off you but makes it kind of dim for …

: Fight Our efforts to address the climate emergency are taking place as our democratic institutions that …

: Public Service Announcement The phrase, "the new normal," is non-operative. Misleading. False. There is no "normal" now, at …

: This morning's bird. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 09:14 Sunday, 23 July 2023

: Bird of Paradise Mitzi planted three of these bird-of-paradise plants last year and this is the first of them to …

: The Way We Live Now Figured this post belonged here rather than in the marmot. Mitzi and I have been watching events …

: Born to Shamble Was on the street by 0505, but didn't get off to a smooth start. For some reason, the interval timer …

: Gremlins I guess I blogged too soon about "mission accomplished." I tried to post G'night moon with the …

: Shadow Test Another test post. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 09:45 Friday, 21 July 2023

: G'night moon Went to lock the front door last night and spotted the crescent moon. Originally posted at Nice …

: Traffic Mission accomplished! In the Photos to Tinderbox script, now a system service with a keyboard …

: Cake This is a test post, the latest of many. This one seems to be successful. The next post will …

: Bloggin' like it's 1999! AKMA tips his metaphorical hat at my fitness efforts. He's been doing …

: Lights CTRL-Shift-P (Post pic? Photo to marmot?) seems to work. Now if I can only remember it. Originally …

: Weather Approaching Works from the Services menu. Couldn't find it in the System Settings to assign the keyboard …

: Rainbow Test This is a test post. I've embedded the Photos to Tinderbox AppleScript into an Automator action, …

: Movement I mentioned the other day that walking was about the only exercise I got. I used to run a fair …

: Kind of a test post to see what happens with the title. Went out with the E-M1x to try and shoot …

: Sustainable There's a piece in Ars Technica that speculates on how long Apple will continue to support intel …

: The Arena There's something I was thinking about this morning, which I plan to write about in a different …

: This morning's bird I brought along the decade old E-M5 with the 14-150mm zoom mounted. I've usually carried the …

: This morning's bird(s) Didn't see any birds on my walk this morning, but on our way back from the farmers' market (really …

: Born to Run (I used my newly revised Photos to Tinderbox script to post this image I just took with my iPhone.) …

: Moving Meditation Just got back from the walk where I thought of several things to blog about, but now can't seem to …

: Storm Cloud I seem to have an issue with the DJI mini recording all the DNG files, or with Image Capture …

: Incoming Put the drone up when I saw the clouds approaching. This is a 7-shot pano stitched in Affinity Photo …

: Waves Back See how this works? Pretty cool. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 13:56 Friday, 14 July 2023

: Dawn of Another Day I posted a later shot from this morning on Mastodon, but looking over the images later, I prefer …

: Will Rogers "It takes nerve to be a Democrat, but it takes money to be a Republican." -Will Rogers Being a test …

: Oh, and Jack, one more thing... There's a glitch in your RSS from Jack Baty's Weblog. The link in the RSS item referenced in the …

: A Note to Jack Baty I know Jack reads the marmot because when I post something about Tinderbox, I look for a post about …

: This Morning's Bird Normally I post "this morning's bird" on Mastodon, as I used to do on Twitter. I get some likes and …

: Nobody Gets Out of Here Alive This is well worth your time and captures what I spend much of my time thinking about these days. …

: ISS Pass 13 July 2023 Got a notification yesterday of another pass this morning at around 0500. They often come in threes. …

: Blue sky blue bird Well, alrighty then. This seems to work! I shall declare victory and go home. Originally posted at …

: iPhone Camera Test Export This is the happy result of some frustration and study, trial and error. I suspect it's too early to …

: Photos Export I post a lot of my pics to Flickr, and I did so with the ISS shot from last night. I export the …

: Bluebird. Smilin' at me? Wasn't a great opportunity because of the light, but it turned out well, I think. Muggy out there! …

: Star Trails and ISS Get a text from NASA whenever the International Space Station should be visible overhead, weather …

: Wetlands Preceding test was unsat. I have two versions of an Export Photo Automator application, and the …

: July 6th Moon Test post to check script modifications. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 14:38 Sunday, 9 July 2023

: Pygmy Rattler 2021 The gator wasn't the first time we had an uninvited guest on the patio. From September 2021. In this …

: Florida Living II Another view for size perspective. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 10:09 Saturday, 8 July 2023

: Florida Living Neighbor texted me this morning, "David, there's a gator on your lanai." Looked out the kitchen …

: It Ain't the Heat, It's the Stupidity "Sudden surge of broken heat records is scaring scientists." Now, I'm no expert, no genius, no …

: One Step Up The Florida legislature (Republican controlled for a generation), enacted asales tax "holiday" on …

: More here than meets the eye... I came to believe, some time ago, that we inhabit what I call a "responsive universe." That as our …

: A Beautiful Day Yesterday was a day unlike any other day, for me, if only as a witness to pain and sorrow, joy and …

: Electrifying Our wireless, remote, off-site fusion reactor power solution went live on May 12, 2020. We have 7KW …

: Old Florida A few years ago, I participated in something called the Northeast Florida Regional Leadership …

: Thinking Out Loud We've reached that time of the year when it's warmer outside first thing in the morning than it is …

: Good morning gator. 🐊

: Bluebird With a Case of the Mondays I feel ya, bird. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 08:44 Monday, 26 June 2023

: Serendipity Found a new blog I like via Mastodon. This is one of the redeeming features of social media, that it …

: Collateral (Netflix) Finished Collateral last night. It's only four episodes. More polemical than procedural. Ambiguous …

: Lenny I listened to outgoing Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry's "exit interview" on First Coast Connect, the …

: Sighted I did see the Delta 4 Heavy, about two minutes after launch. Bright orange dot in the sky. Took some …

: Early Bird There used to be a news clipping service for the U.S. government, or maybe just the military, called …

: Viewing We watched Dungeons and Dragons, Honor Among Thieves last night. I guess Hasbro is trying to use its …

: Bluebird Shot this yesterday morning. This morning I'm making sure the script still works, and I remember how …

: Judge Not... I've mentioned that I've noticed that I become much more self-conscious in the afternoon, that I'm …

: The Shape of Things A note about shapes. But first, a caution. You should never look to the marmot for tips about …

: Untitled Sometimes I get stuck trying to think of a clever title when I have at least a vague notion of what …

: One Think Leads to Another I was reading something yesterday, which, for a moment just now, I couldn't recall. Instantly, I …

: The Cartographer's Dilemma This "mind map" idea, to use the various map views of Tinderbox to depict many of the things that …

: Dopamine: Still a Hell of a Neuropeptide In the weird way things sometimes go, I posted my thoughts on Tinderbox and The Brain yesterday, and …

: Saving Private Ryan Again I watched Saving Private Ryan again last night. The movie came out in 1998, but I didn't see it …

: Dopamine Is a Hell of a Neuropeptide Someone's going to say dopamine isn't a neuropeptide. Whatever, close enough. We're not dispensing …

: The Tube An update on some things I've been watching. The Silo continues to be interesting/entertaining. …

: Spatial Computing I watched the WWDC thing, ("State of the Union"? "Keynote"? I don't know. The one with Tim Cook and …

: Unwelcome Suprise I've been a client or patient of Mayo Clinic's Community Internal Medicine department for over …

: Weekend Update It's been a while. We went to Kennedy Space Center last weekend for my birthday. Mitzi had made …

: This morning’s moon. #Olympus #EM1X #mZuiko100-400 #DTC #Florida #Photography #Moon

: 2 groups cancel Orlando conventions as worries over political climate grow. #Florida …

: Jacksonville Stadium Renovation www.bizjournals.com/jacksonvi… “Regionalism is the future of economic development. If …

: Leadership Heather Cox Richardson: But for all those noisy accolades, it was the letter of June 5, that he …

: Anger Management This could go in either the marmot or here, but since "It's darker here," I figured I'd put it here. …

: So Long, Ted Lasso Enjoyed the series finale of Ted Lasso. Seems like they left enough hooks for another season sans …

: Maintenance Update This is a test post to check the operation of a bit of automation. HTML Export has changed in …

: Little Victories I'm now two weeks out from quitting Twitter, and it's feeling great. Thus far, I haven't replicated …

: Focus I'm reading Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention--and How to Think Deeply Again (The Kindle …

: Radio Report Got the Panasonic RF-2600 back from being re-capped and having the lamp replaced with an LED. Works …

: Viewing On a recommendation from Mark Bernstein, I watched the very recent documentary Turn Every Page – The …

: Return The other day I posted something that came out untitled. It had a title, it was "Jane! Stop this …

: After Action The show I saw yesterday was part of a series called After Action, and the episode we watched was …

: Memorial Day Another entry in the Insomnia Files. My wife's brother-in-law, Abe, passed away very recently after …

: Good Faith Saw a local pol on television last night and heard him say he acted in "good faith." I knew it was a …

: Still going through Twitter withdrawal. Feeling as though someone is doing or saying something …

: Noise Jammer Like many people in Nocatee, Florida, we have a golf cart. Nocatee requires that all golf carts be …

: Withdrawal I'm a few days into being sans tweets, and I must say, it is challenging. One of the reasons I …

: Anachronism After I posted the preceding piece, I went back to bed. Waiting to fall asleep, I realized I had …

: Un-Just Politics It's almost 0300, and here I am, unable to sleep. Figured I might as well just get up and write the …

: A Glitch In The Matrix Okay, having some weirdness here. Marmot Speaks didn't post with weather data. Trying to figure that …

: My Dinner With AI I started an account at OpenAI.org and I've installed a couple of apps on my iMac and iOS. It's …

: I nuked my Twitter account last night. Well, I guess it has a delayed fuse. The account will sit …

: Moving On This will auto-post to Twitter from my Buckaroo Banzai micro.blog, which cross-posts from the marmot …

: New Day NFTU is a place I created for my "darker" thoughts. But today is a good day, so I'll let some light …

: D-Day Just got back from a trip to Pennsylvania and New York. Spent time with some Naval Academy …

: Merry Merry Month of May Figured I'd better drop by here and flip the calendar. Did a couple things over in 'chuck hole, but …

: Something Useful This should probably go in the marmot, but here I am. Read this piece this morning in Financial …

: Flexible Ethics County sheriffs are elected in Florida. They have the chief law enforcement responsibility in …

: Blind Ambition “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” Søren Kierkegaard I know …

: Problems In the Supply Chain Productivity has dipped here. Content is not being created at the pace it once was. Part of that may …

: I'll Try to Remind You Had a pleasant evening last night with friends. When I go to bed, sometimes I like to listen to a …

: Sleepless Woke up at 0200, tried to go back to sleep. Did some twitter. Tried to go back to sleep. At 0400 I …

: Collecting I would guess, though I'm by no means certain, there exists within psychology some study of the …

: Recommended Viewing I know it's been out for over a year, but Mitzi and I finally watched Lincoln's Dilemma on Apple …

: When Will AM Be Hip Again? I haven't dug into my AppleScript bug, I've been too busy playing around with radios. For all the …

: Non-Attachment to Results In western culture, we're sometimes introduced to this concept as children when we're told, "It …

: April Fool Forgot to kick off a new month! So Life's Little Frustrations is going to appear in March's archive. …

: Life's Little Frustrations I was going to post a pic of the radios sitting on the table outside, but I can't. Or rather, it's …

: Listening to the Ether "Ether" being, of course, the anachronistic notion of what the medium was that propagated …

: The Marmot Goes Down Rabbit Holes It never fails. I see a news item, a blog post or get an email that kind of sparks a question. Next …

: Dispatches Chuck Rippel, the gentleman who is re-capping the GE Superadios I bought, reports that one is …

: The Slump Test Again with a late reading of a blog post, Dr. Drang offered an amusing insight into one of the …

: The Behinder I Get Trying to catch up on my blog reading. Just read this post from Woeter Groeneveld from over a week …

: Death of DP Review So Amazon's killing DP Review. Unsurprised. Pretty stupid taking down the site though. I haven't …

: Blood Money The local blood bank comes to our community regularly and I donate. It's convenient and they give …

: Signal to Noise Both GE Superadios arrived, separately of course. The photos in the listings didn't include the …

: The Death of Democracy in Duval County They held an election in Jacksonville Florida last night. Ennui won walking away in a landslide. It …

: Extrapolations We watched the first episode of Extrapolations, an Apple TV+ series that looks at what the future …

: "Calling Rangoon, Come in Rangoon" Or Yangon, rather. The Panasonic RF-2200 arrived safely on Thursday afternoon. We were getting ready …

: True North Governor DeSantis made something of a revealing statement in theclosing of his State of the State …

: Going Broke "Thrifting" Technically, I suppose, I haven't been "thrifting." That is, I've just been buying junk online at …

: Living I think a thoroughgoing analysis will have to wait for another day, but do see this film. It's a …

: A Quick Test For Mark Just checking some export behavior here. Nothing to see. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 12:29 …

: So Many Rabbit Holes I can't say I've ever been diagnosed as having attention deficit disorder, but I do have a short …

: Little Blue Heron Crossed the street to walk on the multi-purpose path since the landscapers were edging the sidewalk. …

: Little Blue Heron Crossed the street to walk on the multi-purpose path since the landscapers were edging the sidewalk. …

: My New Toy I should probably set this up and do a glamour shot with a "real" camera, but I wanted to do a quick …

: This is why AI will destroy humanity. Skynet becomes self-aware, discovers what everyone is texting …

: The Fondness of Absence Or something. I am the master of the meaningless non sequitur, if that's not a tautology. Obliquely, …

: Daring Fireball, John Gruber: Josh Marshall: ‘The Deep Archeology of Fox News’ Republican reality is …

: Like a Hawk This morning's keeper. Not a great shot, but I hadn't seen a hawk in a while. The OM-1's bird …

: Jupiter and Venus Redux Clouds cooperated yesterday evening. Shot this with the 75-300mm zoom on the OM-1. Could've used the …

: Tinderbox Community On Sunday, I joined the weekly Tinderbox Zoom meet-up. (Alternates between Saturdays and Sundays at …

: Note to Mom I've undertaken a new project. Along with printing photo books (two completed so far), I'm going to …

: On Mark from St. Augustine, the Good German We have a public radio station within FM radio range of the 'chuck hole, (It's also available as a …

: This morning’s birds. Not necessarily “of a feather.”

: Venus and Jupiter Venus and Jupiter nearing their closest appearance in the sky. May not see them tonight, when …

: Almost There It was a busy week. Mitzi and visited the Cummer Museum and Gardens on Thursday to view a new …

: The Asterism Across the Street I don't think this evening's is as dramatic as yesterday's. Shot this with the E-M1X in handheld …

: Asterism Stepped outside yesterday evening to go collect the mail and was greeted by this. Having some …

: Of Toadies and Lickspittles and Sycophants It's funny, the things I think of in the shower. While we may recoil at the spiritual hollowness of …

: On Not Taking Money for NetNewsWire. I love this. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 06:40 Tuesday, 21 …

: Lost I played with the Suggested Links feature of Tinderbox this morning, looking at what it surfaced as …

: The weakness of "strong men." Originally posted at Notes From the Underground 09:02 Sunday, 19 …

: Exploration Just because I'm excited, not that you should be, a short post before I take my walk. I picked a …

: Serendipity, Part Deux Recently I mentioned that Spotlight wasn't behaving as advertised in my install of MacOS Ventura. …

: Serendipity The marmot is made with Tinderbox, the tool for notes. It's a remarkable application, very powerful. …

: Erasing Black History Florida faces genuine existential threats from climate change and sea level rise, which require …

: Ephemera Certain eastern spiritual traditions adhere to the notion of "the transient nature of all …

: Yellow Rumped Warbler An otherwise unremarkable shot, but I'm refining my process. (Fumbling around with it is a more apt …

: Sunday It was cloudy and breezy on the walk this morning. Brought along the E-P7 because I didn't think I'd …

: Nice Sunday read for creatives. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 13:20 Sunday, 12 February 2023

: The Weakness of "Strong Men" It's so commonly known, it's nearly a universal trope in narratives about bullies and bad bosses. I …

: Florida Leads the Way Heather Cox Richardson puts her finger on what's happening in Florida without mentioning it once. A …

: Poor Man Wanna Be Rich Rich man wanna be king. And a king ain't satisfied 'til he rules everything. For more than a …

: Get Cash Now Heard back from KEH.COM today. It seems I was a bit more conservative than I thought. They quoted me …

: Last Macs? Colin Devroe writes about something I've been thinking about recently. I bought the machine I'm …

: Bluebird Just needed to post a pic to make sure I remembered how to do it! It seems giving my E-M10 Mk4 to my …

: Luckily, We'll All Be Heavily Armed Those that are fortunate enough to still have property above the mean high water line will at least …

: Meanwhile, The Insanity Continues What's the notional life-span of a new apartment complex? I figure they'll be lucky to get 25 years …

: They'll Be Moving to North Florida It's doubtful that even the ultra-rich will find a way to adapt in Miami. And without a middle-class …

: Colder The National Weather Service thinks it's 49°F, but it's 44° here. Sun's up, so it should warm up …

: Another Moon I did remember to try again, bumping up the ISO. This one is at 400, and the shutter speed is …

: Lessons Learned It's Groundhog Day, and I did a thread on Twitter that I was thinking about yesterday. I was trying …

: Groundhog Day Moon Woke up about 0130 and couldn't fall back to sleep so I figured I'd try to photograph the Falcon 9 …

: Testing making a post from micro.blog the Mac app. #XZ-1 jpgs SOOC. #CCD.

: Storage Unrelated to my efforts at eliminating non-value-added stuff in my little sea cabin here, has been a …

: Another Editor's Note I have two blogs I maintain. One, Notes From the Underground, is specifically intended for political …

: The Purge Continues Not cameras. This time anyway. No, I've opened the big file drawers of my desk and emptied their …

: Fascism has a friendly face and a soft, guitar and piano soundtrack. Originally posted at Notes From …

: The State of Education, in "the free state of Florida." Originally posted at Notes From the …

: What's Different This Time Local Duval County Public Schools teacher Gregory Sampson explains how the Republican assault on …

: We've entered Fahrenheit 451. Originally posted at Notes From the Underground 06:35 Sunday, 29 …

: Editor's Note I don't intend for the marmot to just be a link-blog, but I've been a little busy. As mentioned a …

: John P. Weiss with another blog post well worth reading on making meaning. Originally posted at Nice …

: The Enshittification Lifecycle of Online Platforms. Kottke links and comments. The marmot concurs. …

: A Palm Beach Post article outlines the criteria for textbook exclusion on the basis of …

: Florida Power and "Light" Florida's eponymous power utility announced the surprise retirement of its CEO, Eric Silagy. This …

: American Pekin Something I've never seen here before. This appears to be an American Pekin domestic duck, much …

: Florida accounted for 20% of the nation's new enrollments in Obamacare last year. 3.2M Floridians …

: Unsettled Very breezy this morning, ahead of a line of thunderstorms expected this afternoon. E-M10 Mk4 with …

: Keeping Up With RSS Since I've cut back on my Twitter usage, I've subscribed to a lot of RSS feeds. I have two feeds …

: As We May Think I think about Apple's rumored virtual reality/augmented reality device in terms of something like …

: Watched The Menu last night. Brilliant. Loved it. Hard to say anything about it without spoilers, …

: With regard to the preceding post, it may be later than anyone thinks. Originally posted at Notes …

: If you're one of the lucky few people who thinks in terms of "generational wealth," and is looking …

: To be fair, Ron DeSantis is merely a symptom, the logical consequence of a political monoculture …

: Folks considering moving to Jacksonville, Florida's largest city, might want to listen to this most …

: Roughly 1K people move to Florida every day. Probably for "no state income tax," and the climate …

: Over a generation of one-party Republican rule, here's a reflection of Florida's safety net under …

: After more than a generation of one-party Republican rule, Florida ranks 35th in overall child …

: DeSantis has had a taste of power in his first term; and now he has an insatiable appetite for it. …

: While I'm reviewing streaming series, we watched Season 3 of Prime's Jack Ryan. Meh. Better than …

: Mitzi and I have been enjoying Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler on HBO Max. I probably …

: May I Have Your Attention Please If we're fortunate enough to preserve the working elements of this civilization, and eliminate the …

: The chilling effect of right-wing radical Ron DeSantis' "Don't say gay" bill was on prominent …

: DeSantis is focusing on transgender students in the state university system. And we know it's not to …

: Falcon Launch 1-18-23 Put the DJI Mini 2 up this morning for the launch. Not spectacular, but not terrible. The bright …

: Sold my Fujifilm X20 yesterday. Buyer was a young petty officer who was a totally squared-away …

: Like It's 1999 Shooting film. Decade-old CCD digicams. Super-8 movies. Static HTML. Retro is cool. Perhaps because …

: Click on this link in Safari on your iPhone (or other iOS device). Touch the "sharrow" and select …

: Unevenly Distributed On Sunday I posted an image I took from my driveway of a rocket leaving earth and two parts of it …

: ISS 16 Jan 23 I get a text alert from Spot the Station when the ISS will be visible overhead from Ponte Vedra. …

: Caret wrangling... Had an extra "^" in the RSS template. From too few to too many. Fixed. Originally posted at Nice …

: Falcon Heavy 15 Jan 23 Camera Two I set up two cameras last night. Had a 25mm/f1.8 lens on the 16MP E-PL8 and a 12mm/f2.0 on the 20MP …

: Learning As I Go It seems micro.blog can't ingest some html in an RSS feed, or I'm not doing something correctly. The …

: 🌎 January 15, 2023. Author: Heather Cox Richardson Date Retrieved: 1/16/23, 06:25 …

: Falcon Heavy 15 Jan 23 It was still twilight when Falcon Heavy USSF-67 Mission lifted off. This was from an Olympus E-PL8 …

: No matter what happens next weekend, Jacksonville and the Jags organization can be proud of what …

: Another modification to the post export template for posts without titles. This omits the wx data. …

: This post may be an example of why I might use title-less posts. Kind of like tweeting a link. This …

: This is a test post for untitled RSS posts. If this is working correctly, I'll modify the template …

: Cool Phone Wallpaper Follow the James Webb Telescope's Flickr account, get cool wallpaper. Click through to the official …

: Imposter Syndrome? Moi? I used to subscribe to the New Yorker because I like it and I wanted to support it. But since I was …

: What Time Are We Eating? Mitzi sent me a link to this article in the Washington Post. (No subscription required.) She said …

: Landing Since I was up early, I did do a bit of sitting. I'd installed an iOS app called Oak on my phone …

: Course Correction I don't know how they do it these days, what with GPS and automated helms and so on, but back in my …

: Missed the Big Show Walked back to the kitchen and saw a red sky for the first time in a while. Hustled back to get the …

: Sandhill Crane Things you don't see every day. Vocalizing like crazy. Seems to have lost its mate. Shortly after I …

: Freedom Isn't Taken, It's Surrendered Gregory Sampson is a teacher in Duval County Public Schools, and he has a blog called Grumpy Old …

: A Cluttered Desk One of the new (to me) blogs I found recently is John P. Weiss. I enjoy his writing and his …

: A Different Perspective I don't intend for the marmot to be a meta-blog about the marmot. I suppose it looks like that at …

: Updates I think I'm going to turn off the Flickr integration with micro.blog. The images are tiny, at least …

: Deer Island Because I've forgotten how this looks, I'm copying the embed code from Flickr. This is one of a …

: This Morning's Moon 1-8-23 Just because it's there, right outside my window. I never get tired of doing this. Handheld high …

: The Space Between Stimulus and Response Yesterday, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Jacksonville City Council's request to …

: This Morning's Moon 7 Jan 2023 Shot with #Olympus #E-M1X in handheld high-resolution mode, #HHHR, with the #mZuiko100-400mm zoom. …

: Good Morning, International Space Station International Space Station as it flew overhead Ponte Vedra Florida this morning. #ISS #Olympus …

: Playing around with micro.blog on iOS.

: In Darkness, You Never See Your Shadow One of the taglines I used on my old blog Groundhog Day was "It's about seeing your shadow." Much of …

: Still a Few Bugs In The System I think I've got everything wired up correctly again. I have an Automator workflow that is saved as …

: Grand Canyon This is a follow-up test. Shot last March from an overlook just south of the north entrance. …

: Moon Over Red Rocks Testing the automations set up for posting photos. This was from last March, one of my favorite …

: It's Darker Here Florida has been governed by the Republican Party for a generation. Every branch of state government …

: Brisk Business Banning Books Meanwhile, in next-door Duval County (go Jags!) the school district is doing King DeFascist's …

: Multi-Tasking For the moment, I'm posting local political stories over in the command cave. I had another …

: Not Best for Trans Kids Court backs St. Johns schools in transgender bathroom fight Hate has a home in St Johns County too. …

: Bubble St. Johns County rated best for children. St Johns County is the highest median income county in …

: In addition to sorting most of my USB cables into zip-lock bags, I’ve also been purging extra …

: Headlight Originally posted at Nice Marmot 12:49 Tuesday, 3 January 2023

: # Kind of a test post without a title. Also discovered I have to change the Automator application that …

: Things to do... Found yet another 2022 that needed to be changed to 2023. So instead of writing this post, I should …

: Fog Walk Even foggier than yesterday. Got a few shots with the Olympus Stylus 1s. Originally posted at Nice …

: Search and Replace Exists for a Reason Found another 2022 I need to change to 2023. Sigh. It was an unfortunate choice of text color and …

: Finding My Way in the Fediverse I found this link, which I will share in a moment, via Mastodon. As I was scrolling Mastodon, I was …

: Personal Blogging It feels as though there really is some momentum for a shift away from corporate social media silos …

: A Dim Sun A photo post test. I note that I have to update the script for the image URL. Manually edited in …

: Template Glitch Forgot to update the RSS template for 2023. Might work now. This is a test. Originally posted at …

: New Year Doing some maintenance around here to get the marmot configured for 2023. Dropped a post in the …

: New Year Doing some maintenance around here to get the marmot configured for 2023. Dropped a post in the …

: Last night’s fireworks at St Augustine Beach.

: Time to Make Some Changes Over at the Command Cave, I shared something that has crossed my mind from time to time. Today I'm …

: Closing Thoughts 2022 Although we have at least another day left in 2022, I thought I'd spend a few minutes down here and …

: Merry Christmas Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Originally posted at Nice Marmot 07:52 …

: Holidays We have a houseful here at Saul Hall. Mitzi's daughter, son-in-law, 6-month-old son and their dog …

: Test Sat It worked. So what's shaping up right now is that I can use micro.blog as a service to cross post to …

: Template Test Trying a new template for the RSS feed. If this works, there will be a link to the original post in …

: kottke.org, Jason Kottke: The Trailer for Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer Trying the share action in …

: BlogNote Dec 19, 2022 at 06:46 BlogNote Dec 19, 2022 at 06:46 🌎 The Good of the World Depends On Unhistoric Acts. Author: John P. …

: BlogNote Dec 18, 2022 at 07:33 BlogNote Dec 18, 2022 at 07:33 🌎 5 Little Habits to Get What You Want in Life. Author: John P. Weiss …

: Network I've been exploring various alternatives and innovations in social media platforms, primarily …

: Radio Check Test post to see what happens.

: Federal court delays Jacksonville City Council redistricting ruling until Monday I don’t know …

: Speaking of Cameras OM Digital Solutions released a firmware update to the flagship OM-1. One of the reasons I know …

: Old Habits One of the best things Twitter has going for it right now is inertia, the tendency of human beings …

: Test post from the iPad OS app, while seated in the recliner, typing on an Apple Magic Keyboard. …

: This is a test post to see what the cross-posting feature does with Flickr.

: Trying something new.

: Trying a link post. After Ian and Nicole, pollution spreads to St. Johns and other waterways.

: Ornamental Fog Kind of a test post to see what happens over a micro.blog. More about that later...

: This is a test, using micro.blog. An interesting feature is I can subscribe to the marmot’s …

: It's That Time Again It's "that" time again. The end of another year, when we seem to try to pause and reflect on the …