I got up this morning and this was the first thing I read in my RSS feed. Kevin Kelly is a "futurist," a "techno-optimist." I don't know much about him other than that. I like the "cool tools" blog thing, though that often stimulates my "I don't need this but I want it" response.

Anyway, I laughed and then I got a little mad about the post I linked to. Duty? To the system?


How about a "right" not to be born into a system that imposes "duties" to an unsustainable "system" that threatens more than serves humanity?

People have a duty to help one another, to be kind. They have a responsibility to do their best, as best they can see it.

Our "techno-optimist" masters are constructing a "reality" that is little more than a hall of mirrors.

It cannot last. KK's little missive about one's "duties" in this new "reality" is a telling indicator of its fragility and ultimate failure.

"Buckle up, Dorothy. Reality is about to go bye-bye."

We're all Alice now.

Originally posted at Nice Marmot 06:05 Saturday, 17 February 2024