Mitzi dropped by the Command Cave as I was writing the previous post and mentioned she was getting ready to clean the kitchen floor, and I hadn't had breakfast yet! So I begged her indulgence to finish the post and make myself a quick breakfast, which she granted.

Anyway, more than the usual number of errors in the previous post. I think I've fixed most of them. But one error was different.

I mentioned that I'd been creating "year" containers since 2013. That's not the case. Actually, the marmot was just a fairly flat list of only month containers. It was getting pretty long and unwieldy.

At some point, and since I don't maintain a "change log" here I can't put my finger on exactly when yet, I decided reorganize the basic structure of the marmot into an Archive that contained Years, which contained each month's posts for a given month. In the process, I managed to lose a lot of photos, since I had only one Images folder for the whole blog. Now each year has an Images folder.

But the gist is correct. I used to just manually copy and paste and then edit all the code that goes into a monthly container, along with the other attributes that are necessary for export. Nearly all of that is automated now, and I'm working on getting all of it automated. Creating the list of archived pages in the Archives (plural) page is a manual effort right now. I'd like to automate that.

Anyway, apologies for the incomprehensible text if you happened along before I fixed it. (If grabbed the RSS feed before I updated, it's likely all still in that post.)

Time to walk.

Originally posted at Nice Marmot 08:21 Wednesday, 21 February 2024