Well, I can actually see much of the top of the workbench. Less than half, but much more than before.
And, I discovered yet another rat's nest of USB cables! Save your twist ties, boys and girls. They come in handy. I already have a shoebox full of them, separated by type into ziplock baggies. For now, I'm satisfied that this new batch is untangled and wrapped. I'll get them into their respective bags later.
But, seriously, I thought I went through the garage a year ago and pulled all the USB cables out of the various storage containers we were consolidating and reorganizing. Where did these come from?
In another sign of advancing age, I spent part of the afternoon using my Dymo LabelManager 160 labeling my various power banks by capacity and power delivery. It's all printed on the devices already, in tiny low-contrast text that's impossible to read! I generally know which ones can do power delivery, but how much? Now I don't have to guess.
Same thing with the USB C power supplies. Which revealed that I can't seem to find the one that came with the 14" M3 MBP. It's either around here somewhere, or it's in San Diego with Mitzi. Not really an issue for now. I recharged it last night using the USB C port on the Bluetti EB3A, which didn't spin up its fan to do it either, even though it's rated at 100W PD, same as the AC70. I've also got a 60W and 65W Anker power supply, in addition to the 60W one that came with the 13" M1 MBP. So I'm fine for the trip up to Mom's on Thursday.
I've been watching Fallout. I'm halfway through and I'd say it's... Meh. I'd like to know what advanced energy technology this post-apocalyptic world is using to keep all those Pip-boys and powered armor suits running. I know, "Willing suspension of disbelief," and all that. But it's mostly just a cartoon with excessive gore. I don't really care for, or about, any of the characters. But somebody spent a lot of money to make it, so "serious people" have to write "seriously" about it.
It's a cartoon. Not even a comic book, let alone a "graphic novel." A post-apocalypse Tom and Jerry, or Coyote and Road Runner. Chop her finger off? Oh, horrible! Oh, just stick another one on. Sorry. Spoilers.
Anyway, something to pass the time.
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Originally posted at Nice Marmot 14:40 Tuesday, 16 April 2024