Every place we've slept since we left has had a loud AC system. They've either woken me throughout the night, or made it harder to fall asleep. Mitzi insisted I get earplugs yesterday. I didn't think they'd stay in my ears, let alone do anything.

Well, I was wrong. She had to shake me this morning to turn off the alarm on my iPhone!

I feel much better.

We went down to Port Ewen yesterday, near Kingston and not far from Woodstock, where Dave Winer lives. We had lunch and visited with Mitzi's sister, who'd stayed with us for two months back in February and March while her pelvis healed. She's doing well and making plans to relocate eventually to California to be near her brother.

Today it's raining, the first day it hasn't been beautiful since we crossed over from Pennsylvania. We're going to head over to Mom's later and I'm going to be doing some light plumbing, installing a bidet my sister bought to help make life easier for Mom with her Parkinson's. Wish me luck. (I'll need it.)

Tomorrow we'll swing by Mom's to say goodbye and then head on to Trumansburg where we'll have a couple of weeks in the woods beside a creek. I'm looking forward to it. In Florida, I seldom have occasion to have this much social interaction and it's been a bit fatiguing, and I'm looking forward to just doing nothing for a day or so. Then a lot of hiking and sightseeing.

The beat goes on...

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Originally posted at Nice Marmot 07:14 Saturday, 29 June 2024