"Is this true?"

"Yes, your honor. This man has no sticks."

This morning's obscure cultural reference paraphrase is sponsored by laziness and indolence, attorneys at law.

Alarm went off at 0500, but I didn't feel like getting up. Finally rolled out a little before 0530. Realized I'd be encountering people (the horror), decided to skip the sticks. I even considered taking the morning off, but managed to convince myself to do something.

Anyway, confirmation that the sticks are useful and effective for better pace and more caloric expenditure and cardiovascular benefit. I wasn't exactly strolling, but 17'57" pace, a minute slower than with the sticks. Average heart rate of 113 bpm, vs 135 bmp with the sticks. 402 calories expended, vs 493 calories expended poling.

Lesson here is to just get out of bed when the alarm goes off.

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Originally posted at Nice Marmot 06:50 Wednesday, 31 July 2024