Nondescript bit of asphalt in the foreground, trees, barn and silos in the background with a large SUV at the right edge of the frame

I think I spelled that right.

Walked this morning with the sticks. Unremarkable performance. Maybe I'm tired.

Best part was a thin sliver of a red crescent moon rising above the trees. I'd have taken a photo if I'd felt more motivated.

So this nondescript bit of nothing, which I shot while getting gas in Maryland on July 21, will fill in. It's as "meh" as I feel.

A good day yesterday for a lot of folks. I think Joe Biden showed why it still matters to have statesmen in the White House. But nobody likes to read about politics, so that's enough about that I guess.

Mitzi's been going through the house packing up stuff to take to the place up in New York, even though we haven't closed yet. She's thinking about using a pod, though I think they're too large. Can certainly carry more than the car, and may be cheaper than boxing stuff up and shipping it. Maybe I'll add some books and radios.

She's getting pretty excited, though we still have some travel coming up.

One thing that was nice about New York was that you could be outside in the afternoon. It might be hot in the sun, but it was pleasant in the shade. Here, forget it. You go out to get the mail and back in. It's just miserable. Some people tolerate it better than others I guess. We have a couple of neighbors who are smokers, who apparently don't like to smoke in the house. They're outside in their screened porch a lot.

It's just as well it's hot and we're staying indoors. If it was nice, we'd be outside and, depending on which way the breeze was blowing, smelling their cigarettes. It's weird, I used to be accustomed to the smell of cigarettes many years ago. I didn't smoke, but a lot of the people around me did. Now, you don't encounter it as much and it feels intrusive and offensive.

I don't think the inflatable kayak will be here today or tomorrow. I didn't get a shipping notice until Wednesday. We'll see. It's not urgent by any means.

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Originally posted at Nice Marmot 06:42 Friday, 2 August 2024