Well, I'd planned to post a drone shot of the place in NY, but I forgot to bring an SD-card adapter for the micro-SD card in the mini 2. I thought for sure I put one in the bag. Easy fix, we have a number of things we need to pick up today.

Things went pretty smoothly from the time we left Florida, apart from Mitzi leaving her CPAP machine in the driveway. The airport was pretty quiet, I guess everyone being done with traveling last weekend. Landed in Syracuse after a brief stop at JFK, and there was no line at the rental car counter. Mitzi got the car while I picked up her bag.

From there it was straight to the place for the "final walk-through" her attorney insisted we make. Probably wise, but it was are third time through this 960 square foot place, once with a home inspector. Anyway, you really have to live in a place to discover all its quirks and foibles, as we have begun doing.

The seller's parents live next door. We'd met his dad when we did the inspection, we met mom on Thursday doing the walk-through. Very nice people.

From that it was on Ithaca to spend the night before closing. Mitzi was coordinating the arrival of the trailer with all our stuff and the movers who would unload it for us. She's great at that sort of thing. We had an air-tag in the toolbox in the truck, so we could kind of keep track of where it was. Cell coverage is spotty in places around here, but we knew roughly where it was.

Closing went pretty smoothly. Had some additional docs that needed to be recorded, codifying an easement for the neighbor's driveway. (It's on our property a tiny amount.) And one transferring the mineral (subterranean) rights which weren't part of the original deed.

Then it was off to Wegman's to grab groceries for the week. Wegman's is a pretty fancy, small grocery chain that people are kind of passionate about. We spent a little longer in there than we'd planned because we're unfamiliar with the layout. Olive oil, for instance, isn't among the oils, it's in the "international foods" section. Seriously? Ever heard of California olive oil? We bought store brand, so who knows where it's sourced from. But other than that, it's a pretty cool store.

The movers arrived early but didn't mind waiting around. While we were waiting for the trailer, we noticed a constant parade of classic cars going by the house. Our neighbor mentioned there was an event in Watkins Glen that morning that was going to close much of the town while they paraded the cars through. She didn't mention anything about them driving all the way out here. I worried they'd still be going by when the truck showed up, but I didn't need to.

The trailer arrived pretty close to when promised and the driver had little problem backing it up the driveway; didn't even bat an eye, just did it. The movers got everything off pretty quickly and even put the queen bed back together for us. Mitzi had bought it from Facebook marketplace and the seller took it apart to fit it in the RAV4, and it wasn't perhaps in the most logical order. They got it sorted pretty quickly, we thanked them and they were on their way.

Spent the rest of the afternoon into the evening getting unpacked and set up. Crashed about nine. Slept fitfully, back complaining most of the night. Weird dreams about spiders and frogs. Slept with the windows open and it was nice listening to the crickets chirp. They got pretty quiet when it started raining.

I got the Verizon home internet thing set up and bandwidth is pretty decent. 100mbps down, 10 up. Had some hiccups this morning getting the MBP online. A reboot seems to have resolved all the issues.

Weather was gorgeous yesterday, thankfully. Started raining last night and hasn't stopped yet. The recycling center is only open on Saturdays from 8 until noon, so we're going to pack all the boxes up and run them into town. Then it's on to Target and Home Depot for some things we forgot.

We're here until Wednesday, hopefully the weather will get nicer.

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Originally posted at Nice Marmot 08:02 Saturday, 7 September 2024