If you think you've heard it all when it comes to the stupid things Floridians will do, you haven't. Stupidity is unbounded, so there is no end to the monumentally stupid things stupid Floridians will do.
A woman in an HOA community decided that she didn't like a drain pipe in her yard, I guess, so she hired some guys to fill it with concrete.
Then the neighborhood flooded. Repeatedly.
One HOA member seems to be complaining that the county wouldn't do anything. Well, news flash Florida HOA members, the county doesn't own your stormwater management system! You do. Almost nobody knows this, until the place floods.
So the HOA had to take the lady to court, and she's been ordered to remove the concrete.
This state is just a slowly unfolding catastrophe. Stupidity seems contagious. Perhaps it's spread by mosquitos?
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Originally posted at Nice Marmot 09:54 Wednesday, 11 December 2024