Nothingness is the ultimate ground of being.
So it is no surprise that nothing happened today.
"People say that nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day." Winnie T. Pooh
Some blogging is like journaling in public. Others are more externally directed, action-oriented. "Influencers." Clout. Status. Page views. Monetization.
All of which, of course, remains "nothing."
Anyway, Chris wrote about approaches to journaling. It's funny, the way RSS files appear in the timeline. Not funny. Serendipity. Grace.
Chronologically, according to NetNewsWire anyway, Phil Nunnally's Styling a Markdown one-line journal in Emacs, was posted before Chris O'Donnell's report of things that didn't happen, but I didn't see it until after. Which is why his link to a one-line-per-day daily journal post seemed to resonate more strongly with me. I thought "Chris should see this," hence, this post. (Not a "blog." A blog is not a post. A blog is a vessel for posts. People get that wrong.)
Of course, it also made me think of Denny, with his OBTF approach to, well, whatever this is, blog, journal, One Big Text File. (Refer to the 2024-12-26 entry, which, OBTW, I can't seem to click or copy as an anchor link. Not sure what's up with that. Looked okay in the page source, but I'm no expert.)
Anyway, these are the kinds of things I enjoy reading.
Even when they convey some unwelcome news, like Shelley's new health challenge.
The marmot sends the bird warm thoughts and good wishes for a successful result, from the meadow we both share that is the blogosphere, where a thousand flowers bloom and convey their seeds on the winds of RSS.
Not to be all poetic or anything.
Originally posted at Nice Marmot 06:46 Monday, 30 December 2024