Fog Walk

Water vapor condensed on the hair on the back of my hand as I was walking. Closeup of beads of water on my hand.

Even foggier than yesterday. Got a few shots with the Olympus Stylus 1s.

Originally posted at Nice Marmot 09:40 Monday, 2 January 2023

A Dim Sun

Branches of a Bald Cypress silhouetted against a dim sun in fog. The shapes of four birds flying above it.

A photo post test. I note that I have to update the script for the image URL. Manually edited in this post.

Also have to create a 2023 Images folder on the server.

This pic was something of a happy accident. Shot this yesterday and I'd originally intended just to get the branches of the tree silhouetted against the sun. I normally walk with the XZ-1 turned off, and it's not the fastest little camera to be ready to shoot. Not usually a problem, since I don't plan to shoot "action" with the XZ-1. Usually.

I spotted the birds as the camera was starting up and hoped I'd be able to capture them in the frame. I did, but you'll notice I didn't actually silhouette the branches against the sun.

Good enough, though. I liked it.

Originally posted at Nice Marmot 10:49 Sunday, 1 January 2023

Last night’s fireworks at St Augustine Beach.

Merry Christmas

Yours truly as an 18-month-old, sitting on a spring mounted rocking horse in front of a Christmast tree in 1959

Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Originally posted at Nice Marmot 07:52 Sunday, 25 December 2022

BlogNote Dec 19, 2022 at 06:46

BlogNote Dec 19, 2022 at 06:46

🌎 The Good of the World Depends On Unhistoric Acts.

Author: John P. Weiss

Date Retrieved: 12/19/22, 06:46

<blockquote>Excerpt: Fame is less important than the good we put out in the world.</blockquote>

Number of Words: 498

One of the delightful things about blogs is hearing the voices of others and finding their thoughts resonating with yours.

Yesterday, I linked to a post from John Weiss about habits to cultivate to "get what you want in life." They're all useful tips, albeit with a couple of tweaks that I mentioned.

Last night I read this post, the one I'm linking to today, the one that immediately followed the one I linked to yesterday.

Almost a week ago, I posted about the end of the year being a time of reflection. In that, I mentioned that I knew I wasn't here to be effective, I wasn't here to get things done. And today, I think I'll add that I don't think I'm here to get what I want.

I wrote, "I think I'm here to 'make meaning.'"

Which is what John's, The Good of the World Depends On Unhistoric Acts is about. Which is why it was such a delight to read. I learned long ago that if you pay attention, the universe gives you clues as to whether you're on the right path, doing the right things. Of course, there's the risk of self-delusion, selection bias, etc. But there is the "still, small voice," that kind of, for me at least, helps navigate those rocks and shoals.

Making meaning is a collaborative act, as meaning is a contingent thing. There may not be agreement on what the meaning is, because it doesn't exist apart from each of us and we're all different. But it can give us something to explore collaboratively. And those "unhistoric acts" may mean nothing to most people, even to the person who makes them, but may mean everything to the person receiving them, as the obituary John writes about makes clear.

I'll try something here, because I'm reminded of a Patty Griffin lyric, and this is what popped up near the top of the search (this may not work, as it's not showing up in the preview):

Most everything means nothing, except some things that mean everything. - Patty Griffin

Anyway, better than snark, no?

This is a test post to see what the cross-posting feature does with Flickr.

Ornamental Fog

Picture of some large Christmas tree ornaments hung from a tree alongside a suburban street

Kind of a test post to see what happens over a More about that later...