Bit of a drive to get there, but I got to the shop that was hosting KEH. Kevin was the buyer. He's out of Chicago and travels all over buying camera gear. Had a nice chat with him.
There were two guys with appointments ahead of me. The first guy had a huge Pelican case and another large suitcase full of Nikon gear. It took an hour to appraise all of his stuff. While that guy was getting served, the next guy came in and started setting up a view camera. He had several smaller cases of gear, mostly large format film. He was over an hour getting appraised. He got a check for over $3K.
Kevin took a break before sitting down with my gear. He'd been sitting at the table for over two hours. I think we only took 30 minutes, with time out for Kevin to find a power outlet so his laptop didn't die while we were working. Some of the stuff I brought in will go to recycling; but I got money for all the stuff I expected I would. Walked out with a check for $690, and a lot more room on my shelves.
Left a little after 9:00, got home a little after 2:00, but it was worth the time and effort.
Also dropped off three rolls of 35mm film I shot some years ago. No idea what's on any of them. Should know in a week or so. I'm guessing they're mostly throw-away shots, because I don't recall trying to do anything remotely "serious" with the old film cameras I'd bought. Maybe I'll surprise myself.
Originally posted at Nice Marmot 19:36 Friday, 19 January 2024