Built-in browser translation services make blogging accessible internationally. Here's some advice from Belgium:

I am very often asked for advice to start blogging. The most important thing I give is always to blog for yourself. Not to think about what you think that could please your audience, but to publish. To publish what you have yourself in your guts.

I can relate to this entire post (or "billet"). I do most of my blogging first thing in the morning. I'm less inclined to over-think things, more inclined to write what's on my mind.

In the marmot's archives are lean years where I didn't blog very much. That's because I was on Twitter, or Facebook or some other platform. Those words are, if not "gone," no longer accessible on the web. Not that they deserved to be considered "deathless prose" by any means.

Having your own blog, keeping it simple, and not focusing on metrics are the keys to happiness, if not necessarily "success" in blogging.

Originally posted at Nice Marmot 06:41 Thursday, 22 February 2024