Still grinding away on figuring out how to use Automator. Figured I'd drop by here and wave at everybody.
Imagine my surprise when I didn't have a new March container already set up and waiting for me.
I checked my Blog Test Platform, which is where I developed the automation. There was March 2024, right where it belonged, in the 2024 container! Hmmm...
Head-scratcher. Tried a bunch of "jiggling the cable" stuff. Closed (saved) the file and re-opened. Quit Tinderbox and re-launched. Copied the working code from the test platform to the 2024 container (it was identical, but I'm easter-egging here).
I thought I'd better look at the prototype p_Year, which contains the Edict action code that 2024 inherited.
There, as one of its children, was March 2024!
I'm using local variables, $MyDate and $MyString, in the Prototype and therefore in the 2024 Container. In the 2024 Container, there was the numeral "1" at the end of the Action Code. "1" means "True." I'm guessing the Edict ran first in the Prototype, which is above the archives in the Outline order.
When it ran in 2024, it seemed to be echoing the work of its Prototype, noting the existence of "March 2024" in its Prototype and so just returned a "1". Like, "Checks out, Dave. Everything's cool."
The Edict was also checked as "Enabled" in the Prototype, as I thought it would inherit that setting when the Archives container creates a new 2025 container next year, and it's OnAdd action will assign that container the p_Year Prototype, and it wouldn't be helpful if that Edict didn't fire and create "January_2025" automatically, requiring me to manually enable the Edict, you know, like an animal.
I consulted aTbRef and the Enabled check box controls the $EdictDisabled attribute, which is intrinsic and therefore not heritable. I can disable it in the Prototype and not affect the status of the Edict in the $Created notes.
Once I disabled it in the Prototype, and deleted that March 2024 container, it ran automatically in 2024, as designed. I'll update the Test Platform accordingly.
We'll see what happens on April Fools' Day.
Originally posted at Nice Marmot 11:35 Friday, 1 March 2024