One of Dave Winer's favorite mottos. Since this blog's mascot is a large ground squirrel, and I spend a lot of time running down rabbit holes, I figured it was appropriate.

I spent some time reading about LaunchBar and its clipboard manager. Not because I care about rtf links on the clipboard, but because I have two utility apps that do the same thing, only LaunchBar does a lot more. So I've quit UnClutter and I'm going to try using LaunchBar as the clipboard manager.

I got an email today from my healthcare provider saying I had an overdue balance of $39. I'd called about that bill when I first received it, and the rep I spoke to said she thought it was a coding error and she was going to "send it back to coding."

I didn't have the log then, so I only have a vague recollection of when this call took place. I know it was after the date of service, naturally. So I called today, immediately after I got the email. I "logged it," and made the call while I was still in the note. Shelby was my rep this time, because I asked for her name and wrote it in the log entry, told me that the charge had been resolved yesterday and just cleared from my account this morning, but I got the email at 11:10. Anyway, I checked my account in the portal and it does appear that I have a zero balance. But if it comes up again, at least I'll have a better idea of the history!

Yesterday I got a call from a neurological diagnostics provider, I'm to have a nerve conduction test or something. I was supposed to have it before my neurology follow-up (my toes are numb - probably muscular-skeletal) later this month, but they don't have any openings until May. So I booked the May appointment and noted in the log that I had to contact my provider to reschedule the follow-up.

After speaking with billing, I called the neurology people and rescheduled the appointment. Logged it. I'd entered the appointment in Calendar while I was on the phone, because I had to check for conflicts.

In reading about LaunchBar's clipboard manager, I also read about its facility with scheduling appointments. That seemed like something that might be worth learning.

I've mentioned before that I'm a pretty regular blood donor here, and I received an email that the bloodmobile will be here a week from Tuesday. I don't need the car for that, and I know I'm not doing anything on the 19th, so I logged it, clicked on link to go to the web site to book the reservation. Then I tried that fancy LaunchBar action to add it to Calendar. Worked pretty well after I consulted the manual again.

Anyway, I'm diggin' the log. I think it's going to make things a lot simpler for me. I've entered some "old" information from past emails that I've been kind of tracking "mentally." Now I don't have to worry about that.

I got an email yesterday from the president of the North Florida Land Trust, but it was one of those blasts to the membership. As it happened, he wrote about the annual meeting I mentioned the other day:

As with any meeting, I played ‘the tape’ back in my head and realized that I perhaps did not articulate the three things that we need going forward in as simple a way as is my typical style. So, let me try as a follow-up. We need three things: money, members, and land.


So, we aren’t quite as flush as we seem.

My, what a coincidence. Especially since a sentence in my email criticizing their presentation was, "It also isn't clear to me, at all, why you would ever need any money from me if the state has made NFLT so flush with cash."

Anyway, logged it.

Now I've blogged it.

Some lingering antipathy to that whole situation made me go to the Matanzas Riverkeeper merch page today and buy a new ball cap, a shirt and that "buff" thing. They're a small organization, they deserve more support, and I wanted a new hat. I wanted the tan shirt, but they didn't have it in my size. They had something I'd never seen before at check-out, "Track with Apple Wallet." I selected it, but nothing has appeared in my wallet. Maybe I'll get an email receipt with a link or something.

Speaking of coincidences, ("There are no coincidences."), in that March 2023 archive is a post called The Marmot Goes Down Rabbit Holes.

What can I say? Spring is in the air or something.

Originally posted at Nice Marmot 14:24 Friday, 8 March 2024