I don't know what app developers are going to do in a few years. Maybe even Apple is doomed because of AI. Who needs "an app for that," when you can just tell Siri, or whatever, to do anything you can imagine. Apple's talking to Google about AI because Apple was so focused on "on device" privacy that they realize they don't have the resources for the kind of AI the cloud can deliver.

It may seem unlikely, and it'll probably suck at first, but it'll get better and before I'm dead, unless AI kills me, we'll likely have cloud-based AI managing all of our devices and media, and burning through what's left of our carbon budget in the process.

I guess Affinity probably saw that as clearly as anyone else and decided to cash in while they cold.

AI will become our "wallfacers." We won't have a clue why they're doing what they're doing, but we'll do what they tell us to do, because we can't figure out how to solve our own problems.

An AI will compute and execute swarm-based drone attacks. An AI will compute and execute swarm-based drone attack defenses. An AI will compute and execute a water resource sharing protocol for the Colorado River watershed, because we can't figure it out for ourselves. An AI will compute and distribute all the relevant "news" we need to know. An AI will compute and generate all of our entertainment.

An AI will monitor our health and compute and execute medical interventions.

It's why I don't read science fiction anymore. The future is really going to really suck.

But it won't last long. At least, not for most of us. Maybe the Andreeson-type techbro "optimists" can have an AI design a "lifeboat" for civilization where all the billionaires can hide, with suitably attractive women, while the rest of humanity undergoes the "Great Reset."

Ugh. What a depressing morning.

Just have to keep in mind that all we have are moments to live, and nobody gets out of here alive anyway.

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Originally posted at Nice Marmot 06:19 Tuesday, 26 March 2024