In lieu of a this and that post.
I've got to run to the dermatologist in about 45 minutes. It's that indeterminate time when I feel like I can't do anything except wait for the moment when I have to leave. I should read a book. I feel like I'm going to a uniform inspection, except it's like in a bad dream where I'm not wearing my uniform.
Anyway, saw a post about plug-in hybrids likely to become a larger part of manufacturers' offerings in order to meet climate goals while stretching out the transition to all-EV products. Concern was that many people won't "plug in" their plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.
I think they will. If it has decent range, 30 miles or more, it just makes economic sense, even if they don't want to spring for the cost of a Level 2 charger in the garage (essentially, having and electrician install a 220v outlet). I've seen some PHEVs with battery ranges around 20 miles, and it'd still make sense to plug those in, but maybe not to install a Level 2 charger.
But they have data and I have my own experience. Maybe they're right. I just wish we could become less car-dependent, and get over our fixation with giant SUVs and pickup trucks. But how are you going to survive the apocalypse without your monster truck?
I suspect Jacksonville will see a significant uptick in shipping if Baltimore harbor is closed for some weeks, clearing bridge wreckage from the channel. Makes you wonder about the safety features of these giant container ships if they can lose power and steering like that in a constrained channel. What happened to that ship that blocked the Suez Canal? Was it wind? I should google it. The Dames Point Bridge is lovely, I'd hate to think what would happen if one of those monsters struck it.
In the navy, when we were in "restricted maneuvering," we had all redundant systems online so a failure in any one piece of equipment wouldn't hazard the ship. (Or the channel. Or any bridges. Not that we still didn't run aground now and then. Looking at you, PORT ROYAL.)
Glad to see Boeing cleaning house. But I suspect it'll be years, if not decades, before they can recover their lost reputation.
Make meaning or make money? Again and again, we choose to make money. It'll be the end of us.
What's the "meaning of life"? To make money, I guess.
Well, I guess I'd better go.
Originally posted at Nice Marmot 12:47 Tuesday, 26 March 2024