...an old Jewish saying.

Mitzi was supposed to arrive about 1900 yesterday, but she didn't get in until nearly midnight, which got us home after 0100.

It's kind of interesting. I fly very early in the morning, mostly because it's cheaper, but also because I generally seem to have fewer difficulties with delays and cancellations. Unless the plane didn't get in at all the night before, it's generally already at the gate by the time I'm there.

I learned when I was a working stiff that you didn't want to be trying to get out of Atlanta anytime after noon in the spring and summer because of thunderstorms. The company was paying for travel then, but I chose early flights to avoid the hassle of having to hang around the airport for hours. (I also learned to never have less than a one-hour layover in Atlanta. You may land on time, but you can spend 20 minutes just taxiing to the gate, and then it may be clobbered. I'm too old to be sprinting between terminals.)

In any event, it's a real bear getting up at oh-dark-thirty at my age, but traffic to the airport is very light and the TSA line is usually not crazy. Though I was glad for pre✅ last time, because it was insanely long in Albany even at 0430!

For all the hassle, I usually get to where I'm going on time and I don't spend a lot of time waiting in terminals or trying to rebook flights.

It may also have something to do with 22 years in uniform where, "Early is on time. On time is late."

This has been the third time Mitzi has been delayed coming in from the west coast. She books her flights at "reasonable" hours, like 0900. Her problems started yesterday before she ever got to the airport, with her 0900 flight being delayed to 1030, which meant she couldn't make her connection in Dallas. She booked another connection and by the time she landed in Dallas, that fight had been cancelled. So then she found another flight that was supposed to get in at 2315. Before she left, they updated the arrival time to 2330.

They landed at 2334. And then it took them half an hour to unload the bags. We left the airport a little after midnight.

It's been a sleep deprivation kind of week. Let's hope this one will be better.

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Originally posted at Nice Marmot 08:27 Sunday, 28 April 2024