I spotted Manuel's post in my RSS feed. There may be other reactions by bloggers I'm not yet subscribed to. So if you wrote something on your blog that you'd like to call to my attention, hit the reply link and let me know.

With that out of the way, I agree with everything Manuel wrote.

The current design of social media platforms rewards the kinds of behaviors that can be problematic. While I can distinctly recall the pang of emotion I felt, wishing I could immediately react and see the reactions of those within "my community," I think that it's better, at least for me, not to engage in that type of social media platform. And I would find prior restraint abrasive and unwelcoming.

This post is about as immediate as this interaction probably needs to be. I'm writing it in Tinderbox, so I have plenty of space to see what I'm writing, think about it and revise it as I go along. (I've deleted several paragraphs already.)

There is a reward to seeing someone respond to a post. And it's especially welcome when it's reasonable and reasoned, even if it's not exactly in agreement.

I'm accustomed to "the void," but it's nice to hear something back now and then. 😎

✍️ Reply by email

Originally posted at Nice Marmot 09:59 Monday, 29 July 2024