<img src=“https://nice-marmot.net/Archives/2024/Images/IMG_0005.JPG" alt=“Photo of the game screen of the classic Apple II arcade game, Lode Runner on a 32” flat screen tv in a cluttered office”>

Faded a bit after lunch, but rallied later. Feeling a little feverish now, but otherwise ok. Tooth is still a nightmare. Maybe I'll lose a little weight?

Figured I'd spend a little quality time with the //c. I'm stuck on level 6 now, because I let myself get trapped in a room with no way to shoot myself out. I recall there was some keyboard combination that basically exited the game, but I don't think you could record your score. So I'll reboot the computer in a minute, but I wanted to post something here.

I mentioned we'd switched to IQ Fiber for our internet service, and I'm very pleased with the service so far. It comes with an app that lets you see everything that's on your network. I have a Motorola MG8702 cable modem/wifi router that we used when we had Xfinity, and there was this MotoSync iOS app that let you see everything on your network. But a later update basically lobotomized it and it was useless. (Cool. Just remembered to delete it.) But the IQ Fiber app goes a bit further and lets you turn internet access on and off, selectively, by device.

I think you may have been able do that with MotoSync, but it wasn't easily discoverable.

I discovered it playing around with the app yesterday. So I turned off internet access to the TV in the office. It's a TCL 32" LCD with Roku embedded in it. I actually use it to watch streaming in the office when Mitzi's watching something I'm not interested in, or I'm isolating because of Covid. But it doesn't need internet access all the time. And I suspect the little bastard eavesdrops on me. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

Anyway, I'm eluding the Bungeling guards and stealing their gold and this little white light keeps flashing at the bottom of the TV. It's a bit distracting and I'm wondering what that's about. Then it dawned on me, it's probably bitching about the internet! Heh. I'll turn it back on later. New episodes of Bad Monkey and Slow Horses tonight! (Sounds like I'm watching Animal Planet.)

So the foul taste in my mouth fades over time. I suspect that's my liver clearing the antiviral. It's a 2-drug "cocktail" and one of them impairs the liver's ability to metabolize the antiviral, allowing it to circulate longer in the bloodstream. A technique, I gather, developed in the effort to fight HIV.

As the taste fades, it seems my temperature is going up slightly. I don't feel particularly "sick," just hot. I don't know how responsive my immune system is to "viral load," and maybe this is all just in my head, The recommendation is to take the two doses, one in the morning and one at "bed time." Well, "morning" and "bedtime" are pretty ambiguous terms to me. Easy to remember, I guess.

Being an eager beaver, I took my first dose when Mitzi got them home, about 1430 yesterday. I did not take one at bedtime, because they caution you against taking too much. They advise skipping a dose if you miss the regular time by more than 8 hours, and resuming at the normal "morning" or "bedtime," whichever was next.

My second dose was at 0500 this morning. I'm trying to figure out what this 8-hour "window" thing is about. Ideally, it seems you'd want to take the doses 12-hours apart. For an early riser like me, that's at 0500 and 1700. And "bedtime" is usually before 2200. Assuming a notional 2200, "Taps, taps. Lights out. Maintain silence about the decks," that's only a 7-hour interval between the "bedtime" and "morning" doses, but a 17-hour interval between the "morning" and "bedtime" does.

A wiser man would consult the doc, but I'm going with the 12-hour interval. My "second" dose would have been at 0230 this morning. 0500 is only 2.5 hours later, and well within the 8-hour "margin of error." And all subsequent doses will be at precisely 0500 and 1700, because I had a Plebe Year. "Time tide and formation wait for no man."

As of this moment, that's about seven minutes from now. So let me conclude this little chronological ("horological"?) inquiry and post!

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Originally posted at Nice Marmot 16:13 Wednesday, 25 September 2024