It's a beautiful day, as Florida days go. I've still got some remnants of Covid lingering. My nose has been running again, and some upper respiratory congestion. No fever or chills, aches or pains. And the damn tooth still hurts. And I periodically seem to run out of gas.

Slept ok last night. Wearing ear plugs again. Woke up at 0400, but fell right back to sleep. Got up at 0500. By 0930 I needed to get in the recliner and close my eyes. Didn't work very well, because the dog started whining about 5 minutes into my 15 minute snooze. I took him out and resumed for 10 minutes.

That seemed to be enough to rally for working on the IIe. Got that done and figured I'd go for a bike ride.

I worry a little bit about those folks who went charging off after supposedly being "over" Covid and developing some kind of muscle fatigue issue. So I'm taking it easy. Haven't been walking, with or without sticks. But the bike is fairly low effort.

With the 3-speed hub I have, about the max assist I can manage is level 3 (out of 5). I get going faster than I can pedal and it just feels silly. So I set it at level 2 and pedaled along with some modest resistance. Gave me an average speed of 14mph, which is still much faster than without the motor, and with far less effort.

Did my 10K loop and didn't really break a sweat. But after sitting here for a bit and then standing, I could feel it in my legs. So I did get a bit of a workout. And I did feel warm once I was inside, even in the AC. Turned the office fan on for a while to cool down.

Battery was down to two leds (40% ?), so it's on the charger.

Anyway, the beat goes on...

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Originally posted at Nice Marmot 12:46 Wednesday, 2 October 2024