I feel fine. But it is an apt description for what my interior experience has been like for the last week. We seldom have so many days of clouds and rain, but it seems they're finally clearing out of here.
It's still cloudy, but there are patches of blue and it's definitely lighter. We had rain of varying levels of intensity for much of the last week. 1.32" overall, according to my weather instrument.
Miami took a beating between rainfall, king tides and high winds causing power outages.
It wasn't the kind of weather that made me feel like being outside or taking pictures, so I looked at some of my old ones.
I also tried to search for images on Mastodon. I tried the #Olympus tag and a few camera model tags and got very little. I gather you can't search back farther than a couple of months back on Mastodon. Another "feature" of federation, I guess. Can't cache all that data. Which is fine. It was just something that was fun to do on the bird site.
I did find one guy who shoots a fair amount with an XZ-1 (so it was fairly recent), and I got some inspiration from his photos. Also got an idea to use my Raynox M-150 with the Stylus 1s. I have the CLA-13 lens adapter for the Stylus 1s, thinking once that I'd get the 1.7x teleconverter. But that's $$$ and I have better cameras for those long lengths. I was going to sell it to KEH.COM, but then I read about someone using it for macros on the 1s, which is perhaps its weakest feature as a compact camera. Hope to play with it as soon as it gets a little brighter out.
Put the drone up and got a little bit of sunrise this morning.
Got some of the housekeeping done I needed to do before our guests arrive. It's just my office and the garage. I need to finish it, but they don't get in until late tonight so I still have some time. I do my best work under pressure.
Originally posted at Nice Marmot 09:52 Saturday, 18 November 2023